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Spider-Man: Web of Shadows: Difference between revisions

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* [[A Winner Is You]]: In the [[PSPlay Station 2]] version, once you beat the final boss, all you get is a pop up saying "Congratulations, you beat Spider-Man: Web of Shadows!" before going back to the main menu. You don't even get an image for your efforts.
* [[Action Commands]]
* [[Action Girl]]: Mary-Jane. Rather than being the [[Distressed Damsel]], she actually takes part in the boss fight against Symbiote Black Cat, blasting away at symbiotes with her shotgun from a hovercraft.
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* [[Chest Insignia]]: Spidey and Venom have spiders and Moon Knight has a moon.
* [[Continuity Nod]]: The first time you meet Kingpin's gliders, Peter will say "Gliders are so 2004, guys. Sandman is in now!" Then there's Woverine's questions that he asks you.
* [[Cut Lex Luthor a Check]]: Kingpin's thugs use goblin gliders, [[Powered Armour]], and [[Mini-Mecha]]. And people thought his guards [[Spider -Man: theThe Animated Series|having laser guns]] was improbable!
* [[Dating Catwoman]]: Black Cat initially shows up in the game working for Kingpin because she is still in love with Spider-Man and did it to help him from the inside. Problem is, he's currently married to Mary-Jane. Over the course of the game, she gets infected with the symbiote, and the option is actually given to choose her over Mary-Jane, especially in the "Black Suit" storyline.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Spidey, of course.
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* [[I Was Quite a Fashion Victim]]: When Luke Cage makes a crack about Spidey's costume, Spidey points out that Cage used to run around in a yellow silk shirt and a <s>tiara</s> head band. "It was the 70s!"
* [[Kick the Dog]]: After escorting a convoy of non-symbiote survivors to the safety of Fisk Towers, Spider-Man realizes that only one vehicle didn't make it... the one that was carrying Mary-Jane. Kingpin then mocks Spider-Man over the fact he got everyone to safety, except who he cares about most.
* [[Leaning Onon the Fourth Wall]]: In the best ending, Spidey narrates how the loose ends are all tied up, and we are led to believe that it is an internal monologue... until Mary Jane calls him out on talking to himself.
* [[Let's You and Him Fight]]: Spidey vs. Black Cat and later Spidey vs. Wolverine.
** Just barely averted with Moon Knight.
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* [[Pop Quiz]]: Wolverine gives Spidey one to make sure he's the genuine article.
* [[Press X to Not Die]]: A pretty forgiving example, since failure just restarts the sequence.
* [[Product Placement]]: Billboards advertising everything from Five Gum to the Watchmen DVD release can be seen throughout the city in the 360 and [[PSPlay Station 3]] versions, mixed in with ads from in-universe companies including [[Iron Man|Stark and Roxxon.]]
* [[Psycho Electro]]: Electro was always nuts, but in Web of Shadows, [[It Got Worse|it gets worse]]. Mostly due to his sister being taken in by SHEILD.
* [[Shown Their Work]]: On the mythos.
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* [[Spider Sense]]: Obviously.
* [[Spy Catsuit]]: Black Cat and Black Widow.
* [[Stepping Stones in Thethe Sky]] / [[Blade Run]]: During the ending [[Press X to Not Die|action command]] sequence of Vulture's boss battle, Spidey does both of these ''at the same time''
* [[Stripperiffic]]: The Black Cat, oh so very much.
* [[Superhero]]
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