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=== These are Wild Mass Guesses for the series ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'' which have been confirmed by the series or by [[Word of God]]. If a WMG on one of the [[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha (Animeanime)/Open One/WMG|open]] [[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha (Animeanime)/Open Two/WMG|pages]] is confirmed, please move it here. ===
''Please add new confirmed entries to the bottom of the page''.
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== Tohma personally knows Subaru ==
In chapter 2, he says that he was helped by "another kind person" long ago. In the prologue chapter, we see someone looking like Subaru (at least, she's the only character from the ending collage that I haven't found anywhere else in the prologue) and young Touma talking on a beach. Heck, Touma may even be that little boy whom Subaru saves in the ''[[StrikerMagical SGirl (Anime)Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS|Striker S]]'' epilogue (though that guy was blond), and "Suu-chan", his elder sister.
* It's a bit of a long shot, but Subaru could be "Su-chan" (The similarities between the nickname and her name don't seem entirely coincidental, and Subaru is not the type to demand formality). It might be interesting if Subaru knows Tohma, as it could potentially create a dilemma for her between turning him in to help her best friend's investigation or helping him even while Teana is pursuing him. She could find a middle ground, telling Teana that he must have some reason for what he's doing- this might convince her and Fate, and they could work to find out the truth.
** Indirectly supported by Touma in chapter 3: he says that Su-chan works for the Bureau.
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** There's a [[Too Cool to Live|trope you need to learn]]...
*** [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|There is no such thing as "too cool". Only "awesome" and "even more awesome".]]
** In a preview for the next chapter, she {{spoiler|is apparently alive, on life support. She may well be [[Put Onon a Bus|put on an ambulance]] for most of the series}}.
I believe it's pretty much obvious. This is MLGN after all.
* Keep in mind that this WMG was written shortly after the first scans of ''Force'' ch.7 emerged.
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== Heidi E.S. Ingvalt is actually one of Vivio's classmates ==
...maybe even Corona or Lio. Think about it: Vivio is 10, she just got her own Device, and a mysterious [[Dark Magical Girl]] is now after her and Ixpellia (who may just as well not be counted, since she's comatose). Does that remind you of [[The Original Series]]? Obviously, there are differences, the main one being: Vivio is the [[Older Alter Ego]]-type [[Magical Girl]], rather than the usual [[Magical Girl Warrior]] variety. Ergo, her rival in the manga may just as well be a [[Older Alter Ego]]-type ''Dark'' Magical Girl. Bonus points for them both transforming into Ancient Belkan rulers in their adult forms. And what better twist can you apply to that than [[Living Withwith the Villain]]? Especially if you consider the general tendency in ''Nanoha'' to ''properly'' [[Pick Onon Someone Your Own Size|pair rivals according to their size]]. OK, I admit that asking Nove where to find Vivio if you already know Vivio from school is a bit pointless, but maybe "Ingvalt" is just someone from a different class. The main idea is: "Ingvalt" is, in fact, someone of Vivio's age who also mastered the adult form, and now aims to achieve... something. Judging by her "Weakness can't protect anyone" line, said something probably has to do with losing a loved one. But she is gonna get befriended, anyway, that much is as certain as an amen in the church.
* Rio and Corona don't fit the [[Dark Magical Girl]] image at all, but promotional materials mention a character in Vivio's school (in a higher grade than Vivio) named Einheart Stratos (cue [[Mobile Suit Gundam 00]] references) who seems a pretty good candidate for Heidi's real identity.
* Ingvalt seems to have somewhat longer and darker hair than Einhart(although it could be transformation magic or some other magical effect), so I'm curious as to how Einhart fits into all this, as she has yet to make an actual appearance.
** ...wait a second. "Heidi '''E. S.''' Ingvalt". "'''E'''inhart '''S'''tratos". Really, can it be more obvious than that??
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**** It was revealed in chapter 5, however it's shown that Einhart and Heidi are two different entities who can't remember each other similar to how Vivio was when she first transformed into 'saint kaiser mode' meaning that even if Einhart knew vivio, Heidi wouldn't be able to find her because she dosn't have any of Einhart's memories.
**** To clarify, Einhart isn't actually an ancient Belkan ruler like Ix. She is merely using the title "Hegemon Ingvalt". What her connection with the title is has not yet been revealed.
**** To clarify even further, both Einhart and Vivio have perfect recollection of their actions in their adult forms (Vivio, for example, flashbacks her fight with Nanoha in the first chapter). Vivio didn't have ''control'' over her actions in ''[[StrikerMagical SGirl (Anime)Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS|Striker S]]'', true, but that had to do with the Relic lodged in her body rather than with her adult form, per se. And the most likely reason why Einhart/Heidi didn't know Vivio personally is simply because Vivio is her [[Sempai-Kohai|underclassman]] and St. Hilde Academy is pretty huge, so you can't reasonably expect everyone to know everyone else. Though the question still remains how Einhart learned about a Saint King clone and the Dark Ruler of Galea residing on Mid-Childa... I'd imagine that being a closely guarded state secret.
***** Whether Fate or Vivio is narrating the flashbacks at the start of the chapter depends on the translation, since it segues into Fate asking how Vivio ended up in Adult Mode.
***** I don't know, that secret doesn't seem to be guarded at all. "Hi, your highness!" "Stop calling me your highness, I'm just an ordinary schoolgirl!" anyone?
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** And where is it "explicitly stated"?
**** In Track 8 of ''StrikerS Sound Stage 3'', Hayate says "My linker core is melded with the original Reinforce, and Rein's linker core is born from my own core so...", to explain why Reinforce Zwei is having dreams of the original Reinforce's memories.
**** Some officer in ''[[StrikerMagical SGirl (Anime)Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS|Striker S]]'' also mentions it (something like "You only got this position because that Lost Logia fused with you!").
*** It would be very hard to watch A's without concluding Hayate is all but unaware of magic, or who and what the Wolkenritter really are, until about the 11th episode. She demonstrates no aptitude before the completion of the book and the manga even makes it clear the Wolkenritter devised "cover stories" for their frequently being out of the house.
*** She does seem to know that the Wolkenritter have magic and, to some degree, what their abilities are; in the first A's Sound Stage, Vita casually mentions using Levantine to heat the water, and Hayate suggests using some of the Book's magic. Hayate can also use telepathy and even overhear telepathic conversations (like when Shamal complains to Zafira about Signum and Vita criticizing her cooking). The Wolkenritter probably informed them of their abilities and offered to show her how to use the Book, but Hayate never intended to go into battle; in Episode 6, Signum suggests that if she fills the book, she can become very powerful and heal her legs, but Hayate refuses because gathering linker cores would hurt people. While she probably had the potential to use magic before then, she never had any cause to do so.
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== The Saint Church venerates only one Saint King ==
Well, this may be obvious to some but I haven't seen this stated explicitly anywhere, so here goes... The Saint Church only venerates the last Sankt Kaiser Olivie Segbrecht as its main Saint (see [[Jesus]]) for her [[Messianic Archetype]] role in the Saint King Unification War, when she sacrificed herself to end it. All other "Saints" of the Saint Church (St. Hilde, after who Vivio's school is named; St. Valerie, mentioned in ''Force''; etc.) are virtuous personalities from the Ancient Belkan era rather than every single example of the Saint King bloodline. That would make more sense than to revere a royal family best known for waging a centuries long interdimensional [[War for Fun Andand Profit]].
* Confirmed in the ''StrikerS'' DVD 2 booklet.
== Heidi Ingvalt is not the real [[Big Bad]] of ''[[ViMagical VidGirl (Manga)Lyrical Nanoha ViVid|Vi Vid]]'' ==
She somehow learned that Ixpellia and a clone of Sankt Kaiser Olivie are on Mid-Childa (which is supposed to be a state secret) and pals with Nove Nakajima (which is really none of an elementary schoolgirl's business). On the other hand, she does not know that Ixpellia is kept at Saint Church HQ or that the Sankt Kaiser clone is her own kohai. She also apparently does not know the details of Ixpellia's current state, clearly expressing the wish to fight her. The final picture is of someone who has a number of presumably classified information pieces but with large gaps -- in other words, it appears as if someone were ''feeding'' her limited information, trying to make her do their dirty work of locating Vivio and Ixpellia for them. Seeing how ''ViVid'' parallels [[The Original Series]] in many aspects, I'd suppose that there is a Precia-type [[Big Bad]] still lurking somewhere in the shadows.
* Take a close look at [http://www.mangafox.com/manga/mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha_vivid/v01/c003/last.html the visor Einheart is wearing] prior to her confrontation with Nove. Looks an awful lot like [http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_UV2tY7M4BkI/SzRyKE8Zb8I/AAAAAAAAAMI/tGNEjxqyi40/s1600-h/SSX_Back.jpg the visors the Mariage used to wear], doesn't it? And she's looking for Vivio ''and'' Ixpellia? ''Hmm...''
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