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Refuge in Audacity/Tabletop Games: Difference between revisions

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** [[Warhammer Fantasy]] is less audacious, but it remains one of the few tabletop games to have ever created an army of mad scientist ratmen with [[Shock and Awe|lightning guns]] and [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]].
*** Skaven? [[Arbitrary Skepticism|Are you crazy?]]
** The factions of 40K may be insane, but the BACKGROUND is [[Up to Eleven]]: Humanity's population is in the countless trillions (Terra's population: 100 trillion). [[A Million Is a Statistic|A Million Is Not A Statistic.]] It's not even a blip; it's [[Human Resources]]. Yet they're still barely holding on against [[Everything Else|everything else]]. For the past [[Hopeless War|10,000 years of endless war.]] The wars before that turned the effective Afterlife into [[Hyperspace Is a Scary Place|extra-dimensional Hell]] and sentient life's [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|worst enemy]]. There are other gods that eat stars, worshipped by the above absurdly old-yet-functional robots. Several races were made by beings older than that. The only extra-dimensional races we've seen are planet-eating [[Hive Mind|Hive Fleets]] The lightest things to come out of this place are probably the [[Ciaphas Cain]] novels. This list is by no means complete. [[Holy Shit Quotient|Yeek.]]
* The [[GURPS]] 4th edition rulebook says this on the skill "Holdout" (concealing objects on your person): "A Las Vegas show girl in costume (-5 penalty to skill) would have trouble hiding even a dagger. Of course, the show girl might escape search entirely ([[Getting Crap Past the Radar|unless the guards were bored]]) because 'She obviously couldn't hide anything in ''that'' outfit!' Full nudity is -7 to skill."
* ''[[Vampire: The Requiem]]'' has an [[Nightmare Fuel|extreme]] example in the form of the Crassus ghoul family. Though mortal, they have some vampiric powers, which they use to build their huge American empire. Powers such as reduced rate of aging, [[Mind Control]], and a concentrated psychic manifestation of [[Evil Is Sexy]]. They also every now and then get beaten and raped by their vampire patrons for the [[It Amused Me|lulz.]] They don't acknowledge any of their powers or rapes, and those that do, ''continue to let it happen.''
* ''[[Paranoia]]'' has a skill dedicated to this, Chutzpah. The example used to explain the skill is standing before a judge to be sentenced for murdering your parents -- and pleading for clemency because you're [[Self-Made Orphan|an orphan]].
* This is the ''entire point'' of ''[[Macho Women Withwith Guns]]''.
** And ''[[Human Occupied Landfill]]''.
** And the majority of joke games (as opposed to comedy games).
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