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** Archibot - Nate's mother.
* [[Fan-Preferred Couple]]: As of the season 3 premiere, ''a lot'' of people prefer Carter/Serena over any other Serena pairings, ''including'' the original alpha couple.
** In the early episodes of the first season many fans preferred the combo [[Birds of a Feather|Chuck/Blair]]-[[Your Cheating Heart|Nate/Serena]]-[[Unlucky Childhood Friend|Dan/Vanessa]] to the then [[Official Couple|Official Couples]] [[Strangled Byby the Red String|Nate/Blair-Dan/Serena]], but never thought the writers would abandon Nair or Darena. Fast forward to season 3, and Chair-Serenate-Danessa are the current pairings.
*** Justified, especially with Blair/Chuck, as Nate is generally considered to be [[Too Dumb to Live]] and didn't treat Blair very well, whereas in contrast Blair and Chuck had some pretty intense [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]].
*** Although at present (late season three) most people seem to be preferring Vanessa with Rufus.
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*** One example seems to be Chuck's raspy whisper Batman voice. Some think it is Ed's inability to keep an American accent and some think it adds to Chuck Bass allure.
* [[Launcher of a Thousand Ships]]: Serena, in-universe. Blair in fandom
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]: [[Two Words: Obvious Trope|Two Words]]: Chuck Bass.
** And Diana, from Season 5, has everyone wrapped around her little finger, playing with nearly every protagonist with amazing ease, and she doesn't seem to stop anytime soon, especially {{spoiler|when you realize that she's in fact Nate's Grandfather's, William, [[The Dragon|Dragon]]. What he is up to is yet to be revealed.}}
* [[Mary Sue]]: In the books, Serena was inhumanly gorgeous and had everything handed to her on a silver platter. She became a supermodel overnight, a muse to several designers, starred in a major motion picture despite having no acting experience, got into every college she applied to despite her mediocre grades and lack of extracurriculars, and practically all male characters who ever appeared were in love with her. She did have some particularly nasty gossip surrounding her, but that was [[Handwaved]] with everyone [[You're Just Jealous|just being jealous]] of her beauty, awesomeness, and success.
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** Georgina crossed the line from [[Magnificent Bastard]] to [[Complete Monster]] when she deceived Dan Humphrey into thinking she was pregnant with his son. He was there when Milo was born. He spent the summer supporting Georgina and helping her take care of the baby. Then as soon as she didn't need him anymore, she ditched Dan and took Milo out of his life forever. Unlike all of Georgina's previous antics, which revolved around inflicting (albiet [[Disproportionate Retribution|excessive]]) comeuppance for past indiscretions, this was a clear-cut case of exploiting and hurting an innocent person. Specifically, the one person who had always been the first to trust her and give her a second chance.
* [[Narm Charm]]: The dream sequences. The actors are often free to ham it up and chew as much scenery as they want.
* [[No Such Thing Asas Bad Publicity]]: Played straight and subverted.
** Played straight when Chuck has the cops raid his own pub opening. Also in the next episode, with this comment:
{{quote| '''Chuck''': Do you think people go to the Mercer for the maid service? They go to see Russel Crowe throw a hissy.}}
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