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Katekyo Hitman Reborn/WMG: Difference between revisions

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== The entire manga is Shonen Jump's ploy to attract the Shoujo demographic to their magazine. ==
Pretty obvious. The rampant amount of [[Ho Yay]], the [[Art Evolution]] that turns up more and more Bishonen, the [[The Messiah/Butt Monkey|Butt Monkey]] protagonist who's a [[Launcher of a Thousand Ships]], the [[Stalker Withwith a Crush]], an entire crime organisation called "Million Flowers" with everyone inside named after flowers as well, the cute babies and even cuter [[Ridiculously Cute Critter]]. Basically a shojo manga with [[Tournament Arc]] after [[Tournament Arc]].
* It's working. Aaahh~
* Seconded. Well, I guess that and the merchandises. The new Vongola Gear is a blatant attempt to milk more money from fans, among other things.
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== Mukuro will break out of Vendicare to save Chrome/"inadvertently" help the Vongola ==
[[Berserk Button|Put it this way: you do not, under any circumstances hurt, scare, or in any other way make Chrome cry if you want to live.]] If eerily calm Mukuro had a [[Berserk Button|berserk button]], it'd be this. Aside from that, he wants to possess Tsuna and destroy the mafia. Can't do that if the Vongola Family is dead (as the rules were stated: the losing family will die). Besides, it's about time Mukuro was [[The Bus Came Back|brought back]], since he's been in [[Put Onon a Bus|Vendicare]] for.... how long?
* {{spoiler|He didn't break out of Vendicare, but took over Chrome's body. And then Daemon Spade took his body in Vendicare and used some magic portal to go to the Shimon island, and after he was defeated, Mukuro took his body back. Vendicare released Mukuro afterwards because of his help during the battle.}}
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This is based upon the statement as to how easily Adelheid was beaten by Hibari, when the "Vongola Sin" should have been boosting her power even further. As "Earth" is the centerpiece of the Dying Will Flames of the Earth, it makes sense that it would possess the most power out of all the ring, and thus, would be the one sealed when the rings were all buried.
== [[Torchwood (TV)|Captain Jack Harkness]] is an Arcobaleno ==
He doesn't visibly age, and is described by the Doctor as being a 'fixed point in time', while the Arcobaleno are described as 'specific points in space and time'. Now the question becomes where his pacifier is...
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== The Primos saved the world before they were mafia. ==
Giotto, G and Cozart seemed to be completely normal italian peasants in their first flashback together. How is it that they ended up in possession of world-creating/destroying rings, magical weapons and control over a power such as the Dying Will Flames? Well, maybe they were [[Call to Adventure|Called]] to save the world from superhuman threats. Maybe they were [[Chosen One|chosen]] by a cosmic being, [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|accidentally unleashed phlebotinium]] or maybe just [[Touched Byby Vorlons|came in contact with the cosmic keystones]]. The fact is, in the course of their completely non-mafia-related first adventure, they gathered their eventual True Companions, gained, developed and honed powers, and [[Saving the World|saved the world]], [[The Masquerade|unknown to the major population]] - [[And Then What?|but then what?]]
Among their their fellow saviors of the world were people from [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits|extremely diverse backgrounds]]: from as far away as Japan and as socially removed as the bratty heir of a wealthy landowner and a boxing priest, and even a guy employed at some country's secret service, they were all united for a common cause, which had to be greater than a neighborhood watch group. This was how they eventually became the first guardians of the Vongola Boss - and clearly Giotto's phlebotinium was the most important of the group, if it warranted him possessing six freaking bodyguards. Cozart must have been similarly in possession of a cosmic keystone requiring bodyguards of its own. Maybe the same goes for the Giglio Nero and their Mare rings. Thus three groups are created, the precursors to the current known families.
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