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Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S4/E21 Primeval: Difference between revisions

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* [[All According to Plan]]
* [[All of Them]]
{{quote| '''Soldier:''' Containment has been breached. Hostiles are loose.<br />
'''McNamara:''' How many?<br />
'''Soldier:''' All of them. }}
* [[All Your Powers Combined]]
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* [[Asshole Victim]]: Colonel McNamara is the last person we see getting killed.
* [[Badass Boast]]
{{quote| '''Colonel:''' You telling me my business?<br />
'''Buffy:''' This...is not your business. It's mine. You, the Initiative, the boys at the Pentagon -- you're all in way over your heads. Messing with [[Title Drop|primeval]] forces you have absolutely no comprehension of.<br />
'''Colonel:''' And you do?<br />
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* [[Came Back Wrong]]: Forrest is made like Adam, sans the uranium power core. Likewise, Walsh and Angleman as "[[Soulless Shell|walking corpses]]", worker drones for Adam.
* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: Remember the feral, hairy demon from "New Moon Rising"? It shows up again.
* [[Click. "Hello."]]: The Scoobies slide open a door to find five Initiative soldiers readying their weapons.
* [[Combat Tentacles]]: A scientist gets [[Railing Kill|Railing Killed]] by some.
* [[Determinator]]: Riley cuts out his [[Mind Control]] chip with a shard of glass.
* [[Didn't Think This Through]]: Spike has ensured that Buffy and Willow are no longer on speaking terms. The next step in the plan involves luring Buffy to the Initiative with encrypted disks that only Willow can crack.
{{quote| '''Spike''': Hang on. I think I might've detected a small flaw.}}
** [[Word of God]] is that [[Meta Concepts|the writers hadn't thought of that either]], but didn't want to rewrite the entire previous episode. Though the [[Author's Saving Throw]] [[Tropes Are Not Bad|actually makes it better than if they had scrapped the bad plan]], [[Justified Trope|showing that Spike isn't TheChessmaster he thinks he is]]
* [[Distressed Dude in Distress]]
* [[The Dragon]]: Forrest becomes this to Adam.
* [[Eureka Moment]]: Xander suggests that with Willow's Wicca knowledge, Giles skill in Summerian and Buffy's Slayerness to finish the job, a paralysing spell might work on Adam. This gives Giles the idea of the Enjoining Spell.
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* [[Friendship Moment]]
* [[Gatling Good]]/[[BFG]]/[[More Dakka]]: Adam is not only armed with the Polgara [[Blade Below the Shoulder]], but also a collapsible machine gun/grenade launcher.
{{quote| '''Adam:''' I've been upgrading.}}
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Buffy and Willow hug Xander and say they love him.
{{quote| '''Xander:''' Oh God, we're gonna die, aren't we?}}
* [[Gone Horribly Right]]: Spike's [[A House Divided|plan]] for separating Buffy from her friends worked so well that they're not even talking, which... means the plan won't work since it hinged on her friends sharing information with her. On the DVD commentary, the writers admit that this is an [[Author's Saving Throw]] since they didn't figure that out until writing this episode either.
* [[Gory Discretion Shot]]. Blood gets splattered over the [[Clipboard of Authority]].
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* [[The Heart]]: Xander takes the role of "Animus" in the Enjoining Spell.
* [[Heel Face Revolving Door]]
{{quote| '''Xander:''' Spike's working for Adam!? After all we've done -- nah, I can't even act surprised.}}
** After Adam turns on Spike, he fights on the side of the Scoobies, admitting frankly that he's doing it so they won't stake him for his previous betrayal.
* [[I Am Legion]]/[[Combined Energy Attack]]: The Enjoining Spell that temporarily mergers the Scoobies minds and talents (Willow's magic power, Giles' knowledge, Xander's [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?|Spirit]], and Buffy's strength and skill). Complete with [[Voice of the Legion]] and [[Glowing Eyes of Doom|Golden Eyes of Doom]]
* [["I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight]]: Averted -- Riley tries talking to Walsh, but Adam informs him he's wasting his time.
* [[Insult Backfire]]
{{quote| '''Adam:''' So you failed.<br />
'''Spike:''' Well, hey, you're supposed to be so smart. You let me plan this thing...Okay, let's not quibble about who failed who. }}
* [[Ironic Echo]]: Walsh's "Be a good boy, Riley." (from "Hush")
* [[Is That the Best You Can Do?]]: After a struggle Forrest, Walsh and Engleman have Buffy pinned down on a table.
{{quote| '''Forrest:''' Is that it? Is that all you got?<br />
'''Riley:''' No. She's got me. (yanks out Walsh and Engleman's blood tubes) }}
* [[Laser-Guided Karma]]: Professor Walsh falls victim to her own [[Evil Plan]].
* [[Oh Crap]]: Buffy sees Adam's hand morph into a gatling gun/rocket launcher. Then it's Adam's turn when his bullets are destroyed in mid-air.
{{quote| '''Adam:''' Interesting, very...interesting.}}
* [[The Omniscient Council of Vagueness]]: Orders the end of the Initiative project.
* [[Ominous Latin Chanting|Ominous Sumerian Chanting]]: To invoque the power of the First Slayer. The defensive spells are also Sumerian.
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* [[Tarot Motifs]]
* [[Tempting Fate]]
{{quote| '''McNamara:''' Down here I'm the one in control! ''([[Cut the Juice|lights go out]])''}}
* [[Trojan Horse]]: The captured demons.
* [[Two Part Episode]]
* [[Why Did You Make Me Hit You?]]: Forrest is tossing Riley about the room.
{{quote| What're you making me do this for? Not that I'm not enjoying myself.}}
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]] / [[You Have Failed Me...]]: Spike succeeds in bringing Buffy to the Initiative, but she has reconciled with the Scoobies. To honor their deal, Adam orders Forrest to [[Exact Words|behead Spike]].
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