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{{quote|''"Broken promises don't upset me. I just think, why did they believe me?"''|'''Jack Handey'''}}
|'''Jack Handey'''}}
[[Evil Laugh|Mwahahaha!]] Oh, [[You Fool!|you poor foolish fool!]] [[Title Drop|Did you actually believe]] you'd get a straightforward trope description when you clicked on the link? Well, [[I Lied]]! You've played right into my [[Xanatos Gambit]], now [[But Thou Must!|you have no choice]] but to read through '''all''' of my [[Evil Gloating]] as I [[Hannibal Lecture]] you into tears! Mwahaha!
What? You mean you ''actually'' believed me when I promised you'd get a trope description? Oh, that's rich! I didn't think you were such a [[Horrible Judge of Character]]! <small>(I mean, I thought the [[Glowing Eyes of Doom|glowing]] [[Red Eyes, Take Warning|red eyes]] would be a ''[[Red Right Hand|huge]]'' tip off.)</small>
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Oh, don't feel too bad, you aren't the only one to become a willing [[Unwitting Pawn]] and [[MacGuffin Delivery Service|errand boy]] with naught but a sweet story about [[Straw Hypocrite|"lofty goals"]]. You should feel ''[[Trash Talk|honored]]'' to be so used!
Mwahaha-- WhatMwahaha—What do you mean, "[[Shut UP, Hannibal|Shut up]]"? No! uh... ''[[No, You|You]]'' shut up! ... Well, yes, my whole plan did sort of hinge on you doing something I didn't think you'd do... What? No! That does ''not'' make my whole plan a [[Gambit Roulette]]! You take that back! Or I'll... uh... [[Smoke Out|*smoke bomb!* ]]
Stock phrase used by treacherous allies, mentors, and villains once they double cross the hero and have him at their mercy. This is often followed by declarations of [[Nietzsche Wannabe|sneering contempt]] for the hero's [[Honor Before Reason|idealistic moral code]] and/or [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|extended mockery of the hero]] for being [[I Lied|gullible enough]] to trust the villain's promises, [[Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids|naive enough]] to think that the villain sincerely intended to [[Enemy Mine|cooperate toward a common goal]], [[Good Is Dumb|dumb enough]] to get [[Manipulative Bastard|manipulated]] into providing the villain with [[Unwitting Pawn|aid]] or [[MacGuffin Delivery Service|equipment]], etc.
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Often used as part of [[Evil Gloating]] and [[Trash Talk]]. Expect the hero to respond with [[Shut UP, Hannibal|"Shut Up Hannibal!"]]
{{examples|Examples: }}
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
{{smallcaps|[[Anime]]}} /{{smallcaps|[[Manga]]}}
* In ''[[Liar Game]]'', Fukunaga says this fairly often after tricking other players. Granted, this ''is'' the [[Liar Game]], a 'game where you lie' so he's probably justified in questioning the other players sanity when they believe his lies ''again''.
* In ''[[Bleach]]'' the [[Big Bad]] <s>[[Memetic Mutation|often]]</s> once said: Since when were you under the impression that {{spoiler|I wasn't using my [[Master of Illusion|Zanpakuto]]?}}
** Taking all of Aizen's monologues together, this comes close to being his [[Catch Phrase]] after a while, mostly reacting to the many, many, ''many'' attacks he pulls a [[NoWon't SellWork On Me]] on.
** Also done, in a less-[[Magnificent Bastard]] way, by {{spoiler|Yammy}} with his [[Memetic Mutation|meme-tastic]] line {{spoiler|"Who said the Espada went from one to ten?}}.
** Then there's chapter 414, with [[Laser-Guided Karma]] delivered by {{spoiler|Ichimaru Gin}} who out-chessed [[The Chessmaster]], while avoiding his "boss"'s [[Complexity Addiction]] with an simple {{spoiler|watch-and-wait strategy for the better part of a century}}. Unfortunately, {{spoiler|Gin promptly learns he was the victim of a [[Xanatos Gambit]], as Aizen actually [[Out-Gambitted|counted on being out-chessed]] by Gin to reach the next stage of his development...and somehow Aizen has become broken enough to [[Beyond the Impossible|survive being disintegrated from the inside out]]}}.
* Rare heroic example from ''[[Pokémon Special]]''. "[[Oh Crap|Do you think I asked Rono to break Sharpedo's fangs in order to defend myself?]] [[Xanatos Speed Chess|I was actually planning to do something else!]] I grabbed the broken fangs [[Evil Gloating|while you weren't looking]], and used them to make holes in the window!" [http://www.mangareader.net/458-28411-5/pokemon-adventures/chapter-213.html In all its glory.] [[Pokémon/Awesome|This is why you never count out a]] [[Nature Hero|Nature Heroine]]ine [[Pokémon/Awesome|while she still has a pulse.]]
* ''[[FAKE]]'' gives us the following hilarious exchange as Dee puts the moves on his partner Ryo:
{{quote| '''Dee Laytner:''' You little fool! did you think i'd actually be satisfied with just one itty bitty kiss?}}
* Used briliantly by [[Magnificent Bastard]] Askeladd in ''[[Vinland Saga]]'', when his men turn against him to save their own hides against an army they could never defeat.
{{quote| '''Askeladd:''' ''"You all and I have been together for a long time, up until this day. We laughed together, drank together, found our way out of many hellholes together. And I never told any of you about this, but for the last ten years we've been together [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner|I hated every single last one of you]]."''}}
== [[Comics]] ==
* ''[[Watchmen (comics)|Watchmen]]'', of course:
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|Ozymandias}}:''' Dan, I'm not a [[Hold Your Hippogriffs|Republic serial]] [[Card-Carrying Villain|villain.]] Do you honestly think I'd [[Story-Boarding the Apocalypse|explain my masterstroke]] [[You Are Too Late|if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome?]]}}
* ''"The Death of [[Superman]]'' (the '60s Imaginary Story, not the '90s arc) has Luthor curing cancer and [[Civilian Villain|publicly announcing that he has renounced evil]] and will dedicate his life to doing good. Supes is delighted at this, and becomes Luthor's best friend. Then Luthor lures his new best friend into his lab and tortures him to death with Kryptonite, laughing uproariously at Supes's helpless expressions of betrayal, fury, and heartbreak and quoting this trope almost word for word. As for ''why'' [[Out-of-Character Moment|Superman]] believed it, [[Silver Age|take a look at that decade again]].
* ''[[Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?]]'':
{{quote| '''Mxyzptlk:''' Did you ''honestly'' believe a sorcerer from the 5th dimension would resemble a funny little man in a derby hat?}}
== [[Fan Fiction]] ==
* In ''[[The Cries of Haruhi Suzumiya]]'', {{spoiler|Takano says this to Haruhi about the Hammer of Oyashiro-sama.}} What's worse, {{spoiler|this is after Haruhi's bought into this completely, and with Haruhi being [[Reality Warper|Haruhi]]...}}
* [[Manipulative Bastard|Zachariah]] pulls this at the end of chapter 15 of [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4822628/15/The_Obeisance_of_Memory The Obeisance of Memory], a ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]'' season-four AU where Dean clawed his way out of the grave with complete amnesia.
{{quote| What, you didn't ''really'' believe you were Sam's brother, did you?}}
== Film - Animated ==
* In Disney's ''[[Beauty and the Beast]]'', during Gaston's rant as he's tormenting the Beast on the castle rooftops, he sneers, "Were you in love with her, Beast?! Did you ''honestly'' think she'd want you, when she had someone like ''me''?!"
* In ''[[Monsters, Inc.]]'':
{{quote| '''Randall:''' ''[chuckles evilly]'' You still think this is about that stupid scare record?<br />
'''Mike:''' Well... I did. Right up until you ''chuckled'' like that... }}
== [[Film]] - Live-Action ==
* ''[[The Bourne Ultimatum]]'' has Bourne chastise his enemies this way:
{{quote| '''Jason Bourne:''' You didn't actually think I was coming to Tudor City did you?}}
* The 1984 ''[[Dune]]'' has a heroic example, where Thufir Hawat (the Atreidies mentat) betrays the Emperor and Harkonens by refusing to kill Paul.
{{quote| '''Thufir Hawat:''' [He turns to Feyd and the Emperor]... Did you actually believe, even for a moment, that I would fail my Duke TWICE? [He commits suicide]}}
* ''[[Harry Potter and Thethe Order of Thethe Phoenix (novel)|Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix]]'' has the following exchange, after Harry was [[MacGuffin Delivery Service|tricked into retrieving a prophecy.]]
{{quote| '''Lucius Malfoy:''' Did you actually believe, or are you truly naïve enough to think that children stood a chance against us? I'll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy now, or watch your friends die.}}
* In ''[[Pirates of the Caribbean]]: At World's End'', {{spoiler|Beckett gloats over his perceived victory, assuming Jack's reappearance after the climactic battle is an attempt on his part to gain Beckett's clemency, as they'd negotiated. But Beckett's clearly had a double-cross planned for some time. ("He actually expects me to honor our agreement.")}}
* Averted in ''The Long Good Friday'': After double-crossing and attempting to destroy the {{spoiler|''IRA'' gangster operation}} in London the London gangster Harold Shand is {{spoiler|kidnapped by gunmen in the final scene of the film.}} Neither he nor {{spoiler|his captors speak}}, but one gunman smirks at him.
* In the 2002 film adaptation of ''[[The Count of Monte Cristo (film)|The Count of Monte Cristo]]'', Edmond manages to make the police chief that wrongfully imprisoned him implicate himself, in a bathhouse where the steam obscured the constables waiting to make the arrest. Faced with the prospect of being locked in the same [[Alcatraz]] that Edmond had spent decades in, the police chief finds a pistol in the paddy wagon, and attempts suicide. ''It's empty''.
{{quote| '''Edmond''': (through a window) "You didn't think I'd make it that easy for you, did you?"}}
** The real icing on the cake? ''Leaving the gun unloaded was [[Sure Why Not|an idea from the test audience]].''
* ''[[Kill Bill]]:''
{{quote| '''O-Ren:''' You didn't actually think it would be that easy, did you?<br />
'''Bride:''' You know, for a second there... yeah, I kinda did. }}
* In the Disney version of ''[[The Chronicles of Narnia|The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe]]'', {{spoiler|the White Witch says this to Aslan when she is about to kill him at the Stone Table.}}
* ''[[Wayne's World]]'' combines this with [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]] in the [[Downer Ending]]:
{{quote| '''Benjamin (to camera):''' You didn't really think she'd end up with ''Wayne,'' [[Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids|did you]]?}}
* ''[[RoboCop]]'': When Robocop tries to arrest Dick Jones, and suddenly discovers that he ''can't.''
{{quote| '''Dick Jones:''' It's a little insurance policy called "Directive 4", my little contribution to your psychological profile. Any attempt to arrest a senior officer of OCP results in shutdown. What did you think? That you were an ordinary police officer? You're our product and we can't very well have our products turning against us, can we? }}
* Dark Helmet does this ''twice'' in ''[[Spaceballs]]'', first stealing Lone Starr's Schwartz ring and again to toss it down a grate! And he ''still'' can't believe Lone Starr fell for it!
* ''Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows'': During the climactic confrontation between Holmes and Moriarty, the latter thinks, with a brilliant [[Smug Snake|smug]] [[Smug Smiler|smile]]: "Come now, you really think you're the only one who can play this game?" and reveals that {{spoiler|he can weaponize the [[Sherlock Scan]] too, and knows that [[Oh Crap|he's going to win their fight]].}}
== Literature ==
* The [[Big Bad]] of ''[[Darkness Visible]]'' literally laughs in the face of the hero when he believes he has prevented the [[EndoftheThe End of the World Asas We Know It|End of the World]]:
{{quote| '''Lewis:''' ‘I am glad to hear that we thwarted your insane plan.’<br />
{{spoiler|'''Sir Michael:'''}} ‘Thwarted me? How very dramatic! You always did read too many sensational stories, Henry. You have stopped nothing.' }}
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* ''[[Doctor Who]]'' has used this trope in "The Sound of Drums", {{spoiler|after the Master has taken Martha prisoner on the ''Valiant'' and is about to kill her, but she starts revealing her plans}}.
{{quote| '''Martha:''' A gun in four parts, scattered across the world... I mean... come on. Did you ''really'' believe that? <br />
'''Master:''' ''What?''<br />
'''Doctor:''' As if I would ask her to kill. }}
** The Doctor gets his turn to use it in ''Remembrance of The Daleks''
{{quote| '''The Doctor:''' Did you think I would let you have the Hand Of Omega?}}
* In ''[[Power Rangers Jungle Fury]]'':
{{quote| '''Grizzaka''': (after finally escaping the sand snakes) Think you're rid of me? Think again. (laughs evilly)}}
** Now, bad guys say stuff like that all the time, but on this occasion it's different: Grizzaka is one of the three Overlords, the [[Big Bad|Big Bads]]s of this arc. Carnisoar the Sky Overlord went down last week, and Jellica the Sea Overlord and the [[Sixth Ranger]] had their climactic battle while Grizzaka the Land Overlord didn't even get past the [[Death Trap]]-laden path to the new [[Humongous Mecha]] this week. So, this arc's over and it's time for the [[Meet the New Boss|Phantom Beasts]], right? Yeah, [[Not So Fast Bucko]].
* ''[[Sherlock]]'': "The Reichenbach Fall" - {{spoiler|Moriarty's "super-code" that works on absolutely anything and everyone is desperate to get their hands on? Yeah, he made the whole thing up.}}
{{quote| "No, no, no, this is too easy, this is ''too easy''! There is no {{spoiler|key}}, DOOFUS!"}}
== Professional Wrestling ==
* When Randy Orton shook Sheamus' hand at the conclusion of their May 18th18 match on Smackdown, Sheamus reluctantly accepted. As soon as he turned away, Randy planted Sheamus with an RKO. Randy is actually well known for doing things like this, so why Sheamus accepted the handshake at all is anyone's guess. Maybe it's because [[Good Is Dumb]].
== Music ==
* The end of the ballad of the "Golden Vanity". The Golden Vanity is spotted by an enemy Man-o'-War. The Cabin-Boy offers to swim up to the man-o'-war and drill holes in it to sink it, in exchange for [[Standard Hero Reward|the captain's daughter to marry, and a dowry.]] The captain agrees, the boy sinks the ship, and then after having swum back, the captain...
{{quote| But the captain would not heed him, for his promise he did rue, and he scorned his poor entreatings when loudly he did sue. And he left him in the Lowland, Lowland, Low. And he left him in the Lowland Sea.}}
* "How Could You Believe Me When I Said I Loved You When You Know I've Been a Liar All My Life?"
* "I Was Only Kidding", an original song by [[Weird Al]], which lists the many emphatic ways he's told his girlfriend he loves her, and wondering why she didn't catch that he was kidding.
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* ''[[World of Warcraft]]'': Did you honestly believe I would trust the future to some blind, half-night elf mongrel?
** [[Memetic Mutation|It was merely a setback]].
** In the 5-man "Trial of the Champion" dungeon, the Black Knight -- whomKnight—whom the player has most likely slain in a previous quest -- appearsquest—appears out of nowhere at the end and booms, "Did you honestly think an agent of the Lich King could be bested on the field of your ''pathetic'', little tournament?"
*** And then you kill him again. And again. And once more. That's counting up to '''three''' [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]].
**** That fight in and of itself is more likely an example of [[Only a Flesh Wound]], given that the character is ''called'' "[[Monty Python and Thethe Holy Grail|Black Knight]]" and he constantly disregards damage to himself and is assured of his victory.
** Also a bit unusual that [[The Reveal]] is not their evilness, but the fact that they are alive ([[The Undead|sort of]]).
* ''[[Nethack]]:'' "A voice booms out... 'So [[Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe|thou thought thou couldst]] kill me, fool.'"
* Great one in ''[[Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty]]'':
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Raiden:'''}} ''You're changing sides now?''<br />
{{spoiler|'''Snake:'''}} ''I don't recall saying I was on yours.'' }}
* ''[[Umineko no Naku Koro ni]]'' does this a few times. The most notable ones include:
** EP3's ending, did you actually believe that {{spoiler|Beatrice}} is going [[Tsundere]] for you? Actually subverted, since it turned out to be true anyway.
** EP7's ending, did you actually believe that {{spoiler|Bernkastel}} will give everyone a happy ending?
* In ''[[Batman Doom]]'', there is a level where you have to search a hospital for a switch to prevent the release of poison gas. A few minutes in, you do find a switch labelled "GAS SWITCH", but pressing it just reveals the words "DID YOU REALLY THINK IT WOULD BE THAT EASY?" and releases some [[Action Bomb|Penguin Bombs]].
* [[Rosenkreuzstilette|"It seems that I cannot change your mind. Such a shame... Do you honestly think you can stand against the entirety of RKS on your own?"]]
** Another example in ''Rosenkreuzstilette'':
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Iris''': You think a run-of-the-mill Magus like yourself can stand a chance against me, Rosenkreuz reborn? This is why I can't stand commoners... I have transcended humanity. [[A God Am I|I, Iris Zeppelin, have become a god]]! A worthless insect like yourself can't hope to stop me.}}}}
* ''[[Mega Man X]] 7'':
{{quote| '''Splash Warfly''': Idiot! This is all according to plan!<br />
'''Zero''': What? }}
* ''[[Adventure Quest Worlds]]'':
{{quote| '''Sek-Duat''': FOOLS! Did YOU really believe I would lead you here and just hand over the power of a Djinn?! I simply needed you both in the same place!}}
** Cue that rather violent [[The Bad Guy Wins]] moment where he supposedly "kills off" both Zhoom and the hero, takes the lamp, causes a cave-in, and holds up the lamp in triumph... only for it to suddenly be replaced with a simple rock. He doesn't know that Zhoom and the hero are still alive and now have the lamp because they secretly slipped him the Dreamdust, but he doesn't care.
** Being the [[Smug Snake]] he is, Vath, after luring the hero into a trap with a fake Vath and trapping him/her in a cage, jumps down and says "Did you really think it would be that easy? I have known for weeks that you would be coming for me."
* An amusing example of playing with this trope in the first chapter of the Living Story 3 expansion of ''Guild Wars 2'', when the party catches up with the scheming would-be usurper Minister Cadeceus of Kryta, who has allegedly been 'kidnapped' from Queen Jennah's 'protective custody' by the White Mantle cult. The following is a paraphrase of the relevant scene:
{{quote|'''Canach''': (in an entirely unconvincing monotone) Minister Cadeceus. Queen Jennah has sent us to rescue you.
'''Minister Cadeceus''': [[Maniacal Laugh|BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!]] Is she so stupid as to actually believe that I was kidnapped? Is she so obtuse that she fails to realize that I actually ''lead'' the White Mantle? And that I intend to use their power to cast down Queen Jennah and take the throne that is rightfully mine?
'''The Pact Commander''': To answer your questions in order: no, no, and allow me to convey the Queen's most sincere thanks that you ''finally'' admitted that out loud in front of multiple witnesses.
'''Minister Cadeceus''': [[Oh Crap|... well, shit.]]}}
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* In ''[[Bionicle]] : Mask of Light'', the Seventh Toa, Takanuva, is followed to Makuta's lair by the island's inhabitants. Makuta seals off the entrance.
{{quote| '''Makuta:''' Did you actually believe I would let them return?}}
* ''[[Justice League Unlimited]]'' had this, but then subverts it beautifully:
{{quote| '''Luthor: (To Amanda Waller)''' "Insolent cow! Did you really think you could take ME down?"<br />
'''Waller:''' "To tell the truth, well, yeah. But, on the off chance I might have been wrong..." (looks past Luthor, who turns to see [[Big Damn Heroes|the big 7 standing behind him!]])<br />
'''Flash:''' [[Narm Charm|"Ta-]][[Deadpan Snarker|da."]] }}
* In ''[[Robot Chicken]],'' they parody the ''[[Kill Bill]]'' exchange when (The Easter) Bunny/Bill says O-Ren's line, and Jesus/The Bride says The Bride's.
* From the ''[[Hey Arnold!]]'' movie:
{{quote| '''Scheck:''' Did you think could get away with this? There are cameras everywhere. I record everything that goes on day and night. Did you think I'd let you win, let you save your little neighborhood?}}
* In the ''[[Kim Possible]]'' episode "Go Team Go", when Shego sees an opportune moment to break her [[Enemy Mine|temporary alliance]] with Kim:
{{quote| '''Kim:''' Shego, I thought we were in this together!<br />
'''Shego:''' Oh, come ''on''. [[The Farmer and the Viper|Don't you know me better by now?]] I mean, ''seriously''.... }}
* ''[[Codename: Kids Next Door]]''. In "Operation: Munchies", the team crashes into Supervillain Supermarket and Deli to find cereal; when [[Big Bad|Father]] angrily tells them the place is for villains only, they manage to catch him offguard and stuff him inside a barbecue grill. However, after they fight their way past many other bad guys, they find the - now ''angry'' - Father blocking their path. "You didn't really texpect some half-priced barbecue grill would hold me?" he growls.
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