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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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** Unilateral extradition isn't ''that'' odd by itself (at least, it's not an inherently ridiculous concept), but if the Federation is really based on the EU, they would never for a moment consider handing Dax to a government that used the death penalty, without the explicit assurance that the entire plot of the episode wouldn't happen.
*** The series itself never explains the full terms of the Treaty of Algeron, but presumably in return for not developing cloaking technology the Federation gained some concession from the Romulans.
**** The concession the Federation got was the Neutral Zone, which is meant to be a buffer that keeps the Romulans from cozying up to their border or spying on them. Of course, the Romulans violate it with impunity... but then we learned in TNG that the Federation futzes about with cloaking technology on occasion as well.
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