It's Popular, Now It Sucks: Difference between revisions

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* If you wish to invoke this trope, ask around on any forum, even one dedicated to Manga and Anime what the worst they've ''ever'' read or seen was. Your responses will ''very very rarely'' mention an anime/manga that wasn't popular or well received even in Japan like ''[[Bakugan]]'', or the stuff that was actually ''canceled'' before it could be localized like ''[[Bakugan]]'' was. At least nine out of ten responses will name stuff like ''[[Bleach]]'', ''[[Code Geass]]'', ''[[Dragon Ball]] Z'', ''[[Death Note]]'', ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist (anime)|Fullmetal Alchemist]]'', ''[[Gundam]]'', ''[[Naruto]]'', ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'', ''[[Inuyasha]]'', ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'', ''[[Sailor Moon]]''...notice a pattern? Yep. Stuff that is popular in Japan, ''and'' outside of Japan.
** Generally pretty much everything that becomes popular in Western anime fandom is guaranteed to be hit with a combination of this and [[Opinion Myopia]]. If you don't want your show that you like to receive heavy amounts of criticism from some part of the fanbase, it's best that it stays far under the radar.
** This also is related to [[Import Filter]]. If you asked a Japanese person what the worst anime or manga they ever saw was, they'd probably respond with a series you never heard of unless they are of the same school of thought as you. Know why? Because that series was never imported, it was never translated because people don't see any worth in translating something that they thought was [[So Bad ItsIt's Horrible]]. Remember that for all the Hatedom that many popular animes have, they were only fansubbed because ''somebody liked it'' and wanted to share it.
* [[Dubbing vs. Subbing]] often ties in with this. There are plenty of elitist anime watchers who only like a series until it's licensed in America. Their usual reasoning is that it's only cool when "true" anime fans can access the series by downloading fansubs (even though a dub and official sub supports the series), but once the series is licensed a bunch of "idiots" can now watch it to try to be part of the cool club.
* You have people insisting that all anime sucks nowadays whereas the stuff in [[The Eighties]] and [[The Nineties|Nineties]] was good. This is pretty much [[Nostalgia Filter]] meets this - there were ''plenty'' of anime series in the 1980s and 1990s that weren't very good, especially considering that it was much more difficult to import more shows because of the [[Animation Age Ghetto]] being ''very'' strong at the time. (Even [[Steven Spielberg]] said that ''[[Akira]]'' wasn't marketable.)