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* In the film adaptation of [[Frank Miller]]'s ''[[Sin City]]'', CGI is used to erase the actress's blink when Miho is sprayed with blood. Because it's practically impossible for any human to ''not'' blink when something hits him in the face, it serves to make her exceedingly creepy.
** The facial prosthetics used by many of the characters in the movie to make them more closely resemble their characters from the comics tend to fall into the Valley as well. Benicio Del Toro in particular looks about half a step shy of being human. Reportedly, Robert Rodriguez wasn't going to give Del Toro prosthetics, because he already looked a lot like the character in the comics, but Del Toro insisted on it, possibly in recognition of this trope.
* The [[Bruce Willis (Creator)]] movie ''[[Surrogates (film)|Surrogates]]'' plays this trope straight, as almost every surrogate is intentionally "too perfect." This is especially evident on Bruce Willis' character's surrogate, who has the worst toupee in the world, and a scary-smooth face, which makes him look super-creepy. The main character's wife is likewise scary, particularly something about her [[Michael Jackson]]-esque nose. To add a dash of creepy, she works in a "beauty salon" where she peels off customers' faces and cleans them.
** The fact that there is a ''whole planet'' of sad shut-ins living through these weird robots just digs that Valley deeper and adds another layer to a movie that's already [[Firefly|morbid and creepifyin']].
* Oh geez, that hideous baby with [[Arnold Schwarzenegger]]'s face in ''[[Junior]]''.
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