Speed Run: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|"[[Iji]] [[Rocket Jump|throws herself]] into the following in-game cutscene with great haste. No, [[Mission Control|his]] life was not worth the 15 seconds to prevent that from happening. This is a speedrun bro!"|Daniel Remar's ''[[Iji]]'' [http://speeddemosarchive.com/Iji.html speedrun].}}
{{quote|"I beat Super [[Metroid]] in under an hour and it was [[Worth It]]."|[[Retsupurae|Diabetus]], [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v{{=}}iiZxFYNtyh8 Super Metroid INCREDIBLE FUN]}}
A playthrough of a game with the intent of completing it as fast as possible for the purposes of entertainment and competition.
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One of the most popular "regular" speedrun archive sites is [http://www.speeddemosarchive.com Speed Demos Archive]. For tool-assisted, technically perfect runs, try [http://tasvideos.org/ TAS Videos]. For speedruns and speedrun races performed live for your viewing pleasure, head over to [http://www.speedrunslive.com SpeedRunsLive].
== {{tropelist|Tropes associated with speed runs ==:}}
== Tropes associated with speed runs ==
* [[Anticlimax Boss]]: Most bosses turn into this.
* [[Dungeon Bypass]]
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{{examples|Examples (all links external):}}
* [http://www.archive.org/details/smb3dq This run] of ''[[Super Mario Bros.]] 3'' is one of the most famous tool-assisted speedruns of all time. When it first started making the rounds it was not initially advertised as being tool-assisted, which led many gamers to decry it as "fake". It has since been [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKvaWShi-oI obsoleted] by more than 35 seconds, but is still a good example of its type.
** Speaking of SMB 3, it's not only possible, but very easy for a moderately skilled player to finish the game in approximately twenty minutes if they know what they're doing. It requires the player to beat the first three levels of the game, the first mini-castle, and six more levels (in World 8). Not dying helps, but twenty minutes is if you ''take your time.''
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[[Category:Videogame Culture]]
[[Category:Self-Imposed Challenge]]