Spoony Bard: Difference between revisions

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[[File:Spoony Bard.jpg|link=Final Fantasy IV|frame|[[Woolseyism|Damn his spooniness!]]]]
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* Accordion Thieves are probably the weakest class in [[Kingdom of Loathing]]. They have the least number of combat skills, meaning you mostly just hit them with [[Musical Assassin|music]], where a muscle class does a better job of basic weapon attacks. They mainly rely on buffing themselves with some marginally useful songs. As a plus, they can sneak into the League of Chef-Magi and the Brotherhood of the Smackdown, letting you shop at all 3 guild shops and, if you have permed the skill, let you use the Wok of Ages and Malus of Forethought.
* ''Dungeon Explorer'' has a bard class which is considered one of the most useless classes in the game.
* Many, many, many ''[[Pokémon]]'' fall into this category. Because any player can choose from all of them, many tend to get ignored completely. This tends to lead to [[Magikarp Power]] when you realize that damn near any Pokémon can be used effectively if you raise them right and throw on some [[T Ms]]TMs...Okay, ASIDE'''aside''' from Magikarp.
** In a more bardly example, Chatot basically exists for its one unique move,<ref>Which is a recorded message that has a chance to confuse which is higher the louder the message.</ref> is only catchable near the end of the games it debuted in, never evolves, and is generally useless.
** When the Double Battle mode was just introduced, several gimmicks for showing off its capabilities have been added. Most glaring example: Plusle and Minun. They have an ability that increases their special attack when they battle together... but their movepool sucks, their stats suck, no sane man would ever use them both in one team. In short, they are a bit less useless in double battles. A bit.