• Your Mileage May Vary about the first film, but you can't deny the awesomeness of the opening scene. Seeing those gloriously detailed Klingon ships cruise menacingly past the screen—and then watching V'Ger effortlessy pwn all three of them in about five minutes—must have been quite something on the big screen.
    • It was.
  • The Meld.
  • When everyone on the bridge was freaking out because of the giant electrical tornado thing, Spock's like, "God damn it, you guys; do I have to do everything myself?" and just walks over and smashes the control panel with his bare hands, causing the tornado thing to dissipate.
  • The Leave the Camera Running scenes as the pod approaches the upgraded Enterprise.
  • Uhura is not amused when an Ensign Newbie complains about Kirk taking command of the Enterprise. Cue this line of awesome:

The chances of our coming home in one piece may have just doubled.