Star Trek V: The Final Frontier/Heartwarming

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  • While The Final Frontier may be fairly ghastly, there are one or two genuinely good bits, including this moment near the end where Spock rescues Kirk from fake God:

 Kirk: I thought I was going to die.

Spock: Not possible. You were never alone.

    • It's all in Leonard Nimoy's "Oh, please, as if you could ever think otherwise?" delivery.
  • This exchange:

 Spock: I have lost a brother.

Kirk: I lost a brother once. Would you like to hear how I got him back?

McCoy: I thought men like us didn't have families.

Kirk: I was wrong.

  • General Korrd deserves a mention.
  • Personally I liked watching the growing bond between Talbot and Caithlin Dar. You only see them in the background most of the time but, they are awfully cute together.
    • Of course the mutual bonding between three seemingly incompatible groups like the Federation, Klingons and Romulans is something Gene Roddenberry always said was unavoidable.