Star Wars drinking games:

  • The Bechdel Test game: in the original trilogy (Eps. IV-VI), any time two human women are on the screen at the same time, drink. You'll drink once, at the beginning of Empire, when an unnamed Rebel technician appears briefly in the background in one of Leia's scenes.
    • Twice- the Tonnika Twins are close enough to human to count.
    • I'm not sure, but I think Leia and Mon Mothma are on screen at once in Return of the Jedi's briefing.
  • The From a Certain Point of View game: Again, in the original trilogy, whenever Obi-Wan or Yoda do this to Luke.
  • The Drink Every Time Luke Looks Gay game. One showing of Return of the Jedi and you'll be passed out drunk.
  • Every time someone has a bad feeling about something, drink.
  • Every time an otherwise impossible problem is solved because R2 was there to do something.
  • Every time a character loses a limb.
  • For true alcohol poisoning, take a drink every time 'The Force' is mentioned
    • Down the whole bottle if it's to say that The Force is with you or some other varient of the phrase.