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** Amelia Banks, [[Mauve Shirt|one of the control room technicians]], is well-trained in kicboxing. She starts a relationship with Ronon [[Hot Amazon|after he sees her beating up one of Michael's hybrids.]]
* [[Actor Allusion]]: In "Brain Storm" Jennifer Keller, played by [[Jewel Staite]], references her previous role (Kaylee of ''[[Firefly]]'') and her fascination with strawberries.
{{quote| '''Dr. Jennifer Keller:''' Seriously, have you tried these strawberries?}}
* [[The Alliance]]: One episode in Season 4 features a brief alliance between the Atlantis team, several Wraith hives, and the Travelers to destroy the Replicator homeworld. They succeed.
* [[All There in the Manual]]: Deleted scenes included on the DVD releases give a lot of supplemental information, and even tentatively conclude several plotlines that reach back to ''[[Stargate SG-1]]''. Several producers have explained that, as far as they are concerned, the scenes are canon, but that they are not ''official'' since they never made it to air.
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* [[Arbitrary Skepticism]]: "The Shrine"; "The Seer". Really, Col. Carter, remember that time you and SG-1 encountered the exact same situation?
* [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking]]: In a first season episode, Rodney is about to receive gene therapy, prompting the following exchange with Dr. Beckett:
{{quote| '''Carson Beckett M. D.:''' [sighs] We believe ATA or Ancient Technology Activation is caused by a single gene that's always on. Instructing various cells in the body to produce a series of proteins and enzymes that interact with the skin, the nervous system and the brain. In this case we're using a mouse retrovirus to deliver the missing gene to your cells.<br />
'''Dr. Rodney McKay:''' A mouse retrovirus?<br />
'''Beckett:''' It's been deactivated.<br />
'''McKay:''' Well, are there any side effects?<br />
'''Beckett:''' Dry mouth, headache, the irresistible urge to run in a small wheel... }}
* [[Ascended Extra]]: Rodney McKay had a few minor appearances on ''SG-1'' as a rival with pseudo-[[Unresolved Sexual Tension]] for Samantha Carter. The character intended to be the smart guy was originally to be called "Ingram" and be black, but was re-written as McKay after David Hewlett joined the cast.
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* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]:
** Elizabeth Weir repeatedly. First demonstrated by her smackdown to Kavanagh in "Thirty-Eight Minutes".
{{quote| '''Elizabeth''': If you waste one more minute that could be used to save the people on that ship because of your ego, I promise you I will dial the coordinates of a planet where you can be as self-important as you want to be. You think I'm kidding?<br />
'''Kavanagh''': You wouldn't do that. We'll talk about this later.<br />
'''Elizabeth''': ''Never again''. Now Kavanagh. Get. Back. In. There! }}
** Teyla. After Ronon manipulated her to arrange a meeting in order to assassinate Kell, the man who betrayed thousands of people on Sateda to save himself, Teyla calmly waits until they are in a quiet spot, then slams him against the wall and draws a knife against his throat.
{{quote| '''Teyla''': If you ever abuse my friendship again, I will not be so ''forgiving!''}}
* [[Big Bad]]: Several Chief among them are the Wraith (among which no single Wraith has managed to claim the title of overall leader, although Todd managed to get pretty close even though he cooperated with Atlantis more often than against them), but there's also the Asurans (lead by Oberoth), Michael and his Hybrid faction, and the evil Asgard were to be another significant adversary before the cancellation.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]:
** In "Miller's Crossing," Sheppard, Ronon and the NID burst in to save McKay and his sister when they have been kidnapped and she experimented upon.
{{quote| '''Sheppard:''' It was a daring rescue.}}
** In the finale, {{spoiler|Carson Beckett}} pulls this with {{spoiler|''Atlantis itself''}}.
* [[Big Eater]]: McKay, whose hunger and obsessive eating is a frequent point of discussion and even, occasionally, a plot point.
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* [[Body Horror]]: "The Seed"
* [[Boldly Coming]]: Sheppard, several times, and never without heavy [[Lampshade Hanging]] by Rodney:
{{quote| '''McKay:''' Oh, how [[Star Trek|1967]] of you.}}
** This gem from "McKay and Mrs Miller";
{{quote| '''McKay''': [[My Sister Is Off-Limits|She's my sister]] and she's married.<br />
'''Sheppard''': I was just saying hello!<br />
'''McKay''': Sure you were... [[Star Trek|Kirk!]] }}
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* [[Broken Pedestal]]:
** The Ancients. Over the course of the series you realise how utterly careless and arrogant they were and how badly they screwed up both the Pegasus Galaxy and the Milky Way. Lampshaded by McKay in "The Tao of Rodney" after an accident with an Ancient Device will either cause him to ascend or kill him.
{{quote| '''McKay''': That’s why the Ancients didn’t put it into common use! It’s just one more in a long line of abysmal, over-ambitious failures! Oh God. I’m a dead man!}}
** The Vanir, a rogue faction of Asgard who were trapped in the Pegasus Galaxy after their intergalactic ships were destroyed and willing to do ''anything'' to ensure their own survival. When Sheppard and Rodney call them out on their actions, that they're the ''Asgard'' and supposed to be the ''[[Big Good|good guys]]'', their response is to point out how well that mentality helped their brethren become extinct in the Milky Way.
* [[Bulletproof Human Shield]]: When Sheppard is being chased by the Genii in "Remnants" he captures one with a tree snare and hides behind his hanging body while he shoots the other two soldiers.
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* [[The Cavalry]]: "The Siege," the season one finale and season two opener, sees the [[Semper Fi|US Marines]] arrive to defend Atlantis from Wraith attack, and then the USS ''Daedalus'' arrives [[Gunship Rescue|to drive off the remaining forces]].
* [[Celebrity Star]]: The world's greatest physicists are trapped in a building with an [[Applied Phlebotinum]] device that is about to kill them all. Said physicists include the director of the Hayden Planetarium and ''Stephen Hawking''. So of course, out of all of them, the one fellow Dr. McKay chooses to help him save the day is Bill Nye the Science Guy. The episode also allows for a [[Funny Moments]] when Rodney asks Neil deGrasse Tyson [[Pluto Is Expendable|if he has made any children cry today]].
{{quote| '''McKay:''' Hey, at least I didn't declassify Pluto from planet status. Way to make all the little kids cry, Neil. That make you feel like a big man?}}
* [[The Chains of Commanding]]: Sheppard points out to prospective-queen Harmony that being in charge is not fun and games, and that you need to put the needs of your people ahead of your own essentially all the time.
* [[Characterization Marches On]]: When Rodney McKay was first introduced on SG-1 he was a much more smug, self-confident character with noted sexism. Starting with the pilot of ''Atlantis'', his general self-confidence transformed into intellectual arrogance and he became more panicked and unsure when it came to women.
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* [[Distant Prologue]]: "Rising"
* [[Doctor Doctor Doctor]]: John Sheppard, Samantha Carter, Steven Caldwell and Abraham Ellis are all [[Colonel Badass|Colonels]]. Leads to a [[Funny Moments]] when [ all of them are put in the same room] and greet each other.
{{quote| '''McKay''': Seriously?}}
* [[Don't Make Me Destroy You]]: Otho gets Sheppard to hand over his weapons and agree to accompany him to the Tower by pleading that he think of his life and the lives of the surrounding civilians, many of whom would be killed if Sheppard tried to resist.
* [[Dramatic Space Drifting]]: Two examples, both involving Asuran replicators (nanite robots).
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* [[Fakeout Escape]]: Sheppard uses this in "Aurora" to escape from a virtual-reality cell.
* [[Famous Last Words]]: When Peter Grodin [[Heroic Sacrifice|stays behind]] to bring the Ancient Satellite Weapon online, he laments that his only regret is that he was unable to get enough power to fire off a ''second'' volley and take down ''another'' Wraith Hiveship;
{{quote| '''Dr. Peter Grodin:''' "I'm sorry."}}
* [[Five-Man Band]]: The Atlantis Team;
** [[The Hero]]: Sheppard.
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* [[Get Back to the Future]]: "Before I Sleep" exists at the nexus of this trope, [[Trapped in the Past]], and [[The Slow Path]].
* [[Get It Over With]]: The third-season episode 'Common Ground', where the Wraith [[Magnificent Bastard|Todd]] is first introduced. After repeatedly feeding on Sheppard to the point that he has almost become a desiccated corpse, Sheppard intones him to do this. {{spoiler|Then Todd gives back all the life-energy he took from him because he helped him escape from a Genii prison.}}
{{quote| '''Sheppard''': Finish it.<br />
'''Todd''': As I told you, John Sheppard, there are many things about Wraith that you do not know. }}
* [[Go-Karting with Bowser]]: Sheppard playing poker with a Wraith, though admittedly it was an alternate reality.
* [[Good Is Not Dumb]]: Col. Sheppard; Rodney McKay was quite surprised to find that Sheppard has a [[Mensa]]-worthy IQ.
* [[Good News, Bad News]]:
{{quote| '''McKay:''' OK, I got bad news and I got good news.<br />
'''Sheppard:''' What is it?<br />
'''McKay:''' There's little or no chance of getting the DHD working - the system is completely out of wack. It's gonna take some incredibly intricate re-routing of the power in order-<br />
'''Sheppard:''' Woh, woh! What's the good news?<br />
'''McKay:''' That was the good news. The bad news is we lost life support. }}
* [[Grappling Hook Pistol]]: When they are trapped in a collapsed mining facility, Carter, Keller and McKay try to climb out using a makeshift grappling hook. They joke about making a [[Grappling Hook Pistol]] part of the standard mission gear for all off-world missions.
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** Griffin in "''Grace Under Pressure''" who defied McKay's order and forcibly sealed him in the rear compartment of the Jumper, knowing full well that this was a death sentence as the cockpit window was seconds from cracking and pouring in several-hundred feet of ocean water.
* [[Hero Worshipper]]: Halling calls Teyla out on this in "Suspicion".
{{quote| '''Halling''': [The Atlantis expedition] may reside here Teyla, but they are ''not'' the Ancestors. No matter how much you wish them to be!}}
* [[Hey, You]]: When Woolsey is being reviewed and graded by the IOA he attempts to show how well he has settled in by addressing Atlantis personnel by their first names and referencing individual hobbies that they have. However, he accidentally calls Chuck "Chet" and, when Chuck corrects him, spends the rest of the episode referring to him as "you."
{{quote| "There is no ''Chet.''"}}
* [[Hidden Depths]]: Sheppard. He off-handedly mentions he passed the Mensa test, solved a brainteaser that even Rodney could not and one of the few items he took with him to Atlantis was a copy of ''[[War and Peace]]''.
* [[Hide Your Lesbians]]: Captain Alicia Vega, introduced in the premier episode of season five, was intended to be first canonically gay character in the Stargate verse. However, the only implication of this fact was a single scene at the end of the episode where, after [[Absolute Cleavage|unzipping her jacket]], Vega invited Jennifer Keller to join her for a drink. This scene, and all of Vega's other scenes in the episode except for an exchange with Colonel Carter, was deleted from the episode before airing, [[Bury Your Gays|and she was killed in her next appearance]].
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** O'Neill cites Sheppard's record of having disobeyed orders, only to be immediately called on his own record of the same by Weir.
** From the episode "McKay and Mrs. Miller":
{{quote| '''Jeannie:''' Good work, Radek.<br />
'''Zelenka:''' Thank you.<br />
'''McKay:''' Yes, but try not to encourage him. He's got a bit of an ego. }}
* [[Idiot Ball]]: The writers literally could not think of a way to make the plot of "Midway" happen, so they [[Retcon|recorded new dialogue for McKay that was inserted into the "Previously on..." opening with clips from "The Return"]] where he specifically mentions how they are ''not'' taking the standard precautions that they have taken on every other gate under SGC control.
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* [["I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight]]: Zadek tries this with Ellia in "Instinct". [[Tear Jerker|It doesn't work.]]
* [[I Like Those Odds]]: Often stated by Ronon.
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|Caldwell}}:''' "I warn you as a Go'uld I possess the strength of many men."<br />
'''Ronon:''' "Then it'll be a fair fight." }}
* [[I'm a Doctor, Not a Placeholder]]: Carson often in season 1, specifically in "The Brotherhood".
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* [[Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy]]: Averted, the Wraith frequently manage to shoot Atlantis personnel, including the stars of the show, but since they only use stunners the cast can keep coming back for more.
* [[Impossible Task Instantly Accomplished]]: McKay uses this as a [[Badass Boast]].
{{quote| "I'm Dr. Rodney McKay, alright? Difficult takes a few seconds; impossible, a few minutes."}}
* [[Infinite Supplies]]: Throughout the first season the expedition refers to the problems that will arise when their supplies run low due to their isolation from Earth, [[Played Straight|but they never actually run into a problem]].
* [[Inflationary Dialogue]]: Sheppard's claims about how many Wraith he killed in "Sateda".
* [[Innocent Innuendo]]: This exchange from episode 5.15, as Richard Woolsey sees that a women he has been flirting with found his balcony hang-out spot:
{{quote| '''Woolsey''': You’ve poached my private spot!<br />
'''Woman''': ...What?<br />
'''Woolsey''': [[Digging Yourself Deeper|I mean you’ve entered my little personal area]]. <br />
[[[Beat]]]<br />
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* [[Ironic Echo]]: When Ronon refuses Teal'c's help in learning to handle the I.O.A. he insists that he knows "how to play the game." In response, Teal'c [[Berserk Button|insults Ronon's Satedan history]] and Ronon [[Not Helping Your Case|draws his gun in anger]]. Teal'c calmly comments that Ronon would never dream of doing such a thing in his upcoming I.O.A. meeting since he does, of course, know "how to play the game."
* [[Jerkass]]: Kavanagh, described by the producers as the most irritating person in three galaxies.
{{quote| '''Hermiod''': Doctor Kavanagh?<br />
'''Kavanagh''': Yes?<br />
'''Hermiod''': Shut... up... please... }}
* [[Jerkass Has a Point]]: Not one specific point, but a general mentality. When Teyla finally has enough of Sergeant Bates' insinuations that she is either a willing traitor or unwilling information leak, Sheppard points out that Bates is the head of base security and it is his ''job'' to look for potential threats.
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** While possessed by ancient warrior entities, Phebus (Elizabeth) kisses Thalen (Sheppard) in order to convince the other Atlantis personnel present that they were husband and wife.
* [[Last of His Kind]]: Ronon initally assumed he was the last of the Satedans. "Reunion" reveals that 300 Satedans survived in shelters outside of the city and migrated to other world such as Belkan and Manaria when they realised that their was nothing left to rebuild.
{{quote| '''Solen Sincha''': Drink and rejoice Ronon! ''[[You Are Not Alone]]!''}}
* [[Last-Name Basis]]: McKay frequently addresses Sheppard by his military rank as a form of respect.
* [[Left It In]]: In "Letters from Pegasus", McKay gives a videotaped message to Ford, who is editing a bunch of these messages together to send back to Earth. McKay recorded the message while severely sleep-deprived, so it is full of rambling, back-tracking, and McKay telling Ford to edit out the last thing he just said.
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* [[Reality Warper]]: John Sheppard in "Home" was the first person to discover their reality was faked by the fog aliens. Its heavily implied that Sheppard's instincts are what alerted him to this before McKay, who would only discover the truth due to ''facts''.
* [[Real Men Get Shot]]: When McKay asks if the rope burns on his hands are going to leave scars in "Trio," Keller remarks that chicks dig scars.
{{quote| '''McKay:''' Not the chicks I dig.}}
* [[Realpolitik]]: When the [[Designated Hero|heroes]] are ''put on trial'' for [[What the Hell, Hero?|their previous actions]], Sheppard basically argues that they are not fighting for right or wrong, but rather they are fighting for ''themselves''.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: Col. Caldwell. At times he is even more reasonable than Weir.
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** A frustrated Rodney once refers to Ronon and Teyla as ''[[Conan]]'' and ''[[Xena]]''
** In Episode 10 of the Second season, while piloting a Wraith Dart, John Sheppard gives us this immortal line.
{{quote| ''Wraith HUD disappears''<br />
'''John Sheppard''': "We were getting along so well.<br />
'' "Autopilot Engaged" appears on the computer screen''<br />
'''John Sheppard''': "Oh, Autopilot? Nononono, No!"<br />
''"Dock Procedure Loaded and Activated" appears on the computer screen'''<br />
'''John Sheppard''': " [[The Phantom Menace|R2, I need you to turn the Autopilot off.]]<br />
[[Beat Panel|Beat]]<br />
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** In "Quarantine," Sheppard is preparing to free climb four floors up the outside of the main Atlantis tower. When Teyla asks if this is possible, Sheppard replies that "[[Batman]] did it all the time!" As he is completing the climb--and has just saved himself from falling to his death--the [[Theme Music Power-Up|Batman theme music]] subtly plays as he pulls himself onto a ledge.
** In "The Hive," Sheppard is talking to a fellow prisoner, Neera {{spoiler|who turns out to be a Wraith-worshipper placed there to pump Sheppard for information}}, and mentions his [[wikipedia:Coulrophobia|fear of clowns]].
{{quote| '''Neera''': "And the clowns?"<br />
'''Sheppard''': "Clowns? Oh yea, the clowns. Well, we fight them, too. Entire armies, spilling out of Volkswagens. We do our best to fight them off, but [{{=}}ogvKogtJw9c they keep sending them in]." }}
** Dr. Bill Lee comparing the function of the McKay-Carter Intergalactic Gate Bridge to that of the "Twilight Bark" from ''[[One Hundred and One Dalmatians|101 Dalmatians]]'', his kids' favourite movie. When no-one gets the reference, he instead refers to the [[Gondor Calls for Aid|the beacons]] being lit in ''[[Lord of the Rings]]''.
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* [[Take Off Your Clothes]]: McKay, Carter and Dr. Keller are trapped in an abandoned mine, and McKay suggests that everyone disrobe so they can make a rope by tying their clothes together. Keller immediately gets started while Carter responds by producing a coil of actual rope which was in one of the boxes. McKay is clearly disappointed.
* [[Techno Babble]]: An in-universe example while stalling for time:
{{quote| '''Weir:''' Find another problem with it. Tell them that the power loop interface isn't jiving with your walkabout, something.}}
* [[Teleport Interdiction]]: The crew of the ''Daedalus'', in their first appearance, plans on destroying a bunch of Wraith ships by using Asgard beaming technology to beam nukes onto them. It works the first three times they try it. After that, the Wraith figure out how to jam the beam.
* [[Then Let Me Be Evil]]: Michael. Immediately after the experiment designed to stop him being [[Always Chaotic Evil]], how do they treat him? Like he is [[Always Chaotic Evil]]. After several attempts where he tries to say "[[What the Hell, Hero?|What the hell, heroes]]?" and do something appropriate before they screw him over again, he just goes nuts and becomes an [[Evilutionary Biologist]], blaming the heroes, rather sensibly, for everything he has become.
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** Major/Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard, who replaces Sumner as ranking military officer, and Lieutenant Aiden Ford, Sheppard's next senior officer, are members of the United States Air Force.
* [[You Are Not Alone]]: How Sheppard motivates Elizabeth to overcome the nanite infection in "The Real World."
* ~[[You Can't Go Home Again~]]: Only held for a season, thanks to Stargate Command getting those spiffy intergalactic hyperdrives from the Asgard and a new ZPM. They later had the McKay-Carter Intergalactic Gate Bridge for a while, but then that was destroyed and they went back to combined gate/interstellar travel.
* [[You Get Me Coffee]]: In "Whispers," Sergeant Dusty mentions that she transferred to Atlantis from the SGC because there are "more bad guys that need killing," but Sheppard keeps assigning her to guard Carson and Porter instead of investigating the mystery of the deadly monster experiment.
* [[You Have Failed Me]]: In "Irresponsible," when one his subordinates reports that Sheppard managed to escape, Kolya draws his pistol, points it at the reporting officer and pulls the trigger...which does nothing. [[Subverted Trope|The subordinate thanks Kolya for his life and goes back to duty, vowing to do better.]] [[Double Subverted|Kolya then turns to another subordinate and orders him to have his gun fixed]].
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** Craig Veroni, who played Dr. Peter Grodin, first appeared in ''[[Stargate SG-1]]'' as an unnamed weapons officer aboard the ''Prometheus'' in the episode "Grace." It was never confirmed if the two were the same character, or if Craig had been re-cast as a different person.
** The Lord Protector from "The Tower" originally appeared twice in ''SG-1'' as Harlan, the amazingly annoying inhabitant of Altair who turned SG-1 into robots.
{{quote| "Komtraya!"}}
** Jewel Staite was a Wraith before she was Dr. Keller. Not very noticeable however, since the Wraith part required full prosphetic make-up that made her virtually unrecognizable.
** In a fairly ludicrous example, an actress in the early episode [[Stargate Atlantis/Recap/S01 E07 Poisoning the Well|"Poisoning the Well"]] ended up playing the ''exact same role'' to one she did in the ''[[Stargate SG-1]]'' episode "Cure" where Tretonin is discovered.