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* [[Intelligent Gerbil]]: She's a whale-sized alien walrus-thing.
* [[Intelligent Gerbil]]: She's a whale-sized alien walrus-thing.
* [[The Profiler]]
* [[The Profiler]]

'''Lisa Haines'''

A tough-as-nails Homicide detective from the Throne World capital city police, Lt. Haines first appears in book 3 as Sten's assigned partner into the investigation of a terrorist bombing with possible political inclinations. Although they form a strong bond both professionally and personally, ultimately she is unable to reconcile her law-abiding nature with Sten's profession as a black-ops specialist, and they separate. Years later she reappears as an old friend, happily married to someone else, and willing to work with Sten on the biggest homicide investigation of them all -- the (temporary) assassination of the Eternal Emperor at the end of book 5.
* [[Action Girl]]: Not quite to Cind's extent, but still one of the toughest cops in a ''very'' tough city, and perfectly willing to do things like take point on SWAT team entries into buildings full of terrorists.
** She also single-handedly wipes out an Imperial black ops team sent to assassinate her in book 6.
* [[By-The-Book Cop]]: In comparision to Sten's [[Cowboy Cop]], at least. Haines understands when (slightly) bending the rules is necessary to do her job, because no rulebook is perfect, but she will ''never'' break them. Her brief forays into intelligence and spook work (both with Sten, and when the police department is drafted into counter-intelligence work during the Tahn War) both leave her with a foul taste in her mouth, and she can't wait to get back to busting ordinary decent criminals.
* [[Crazy Prepared]]: The aforementioned black ops team's demise is largely because Chief of Detectives Haines has enough enemies that she feels it necessary to rig her house with booby traps, sleep with an AM2 pistol under her pillow, and stock anti-grav parachutes in her broom cupboard just in case she needs to make an emergency exit from her (floating) house via HALO jump.
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]: Haines hasn't spent her entire life working in the police department in the capital city of the Empire without long since realizing that the world is full of corruption, and that the powerful and respected are often more full of lies and crime than the street scum are. But she's still the most honest cop in town because, well, ''someone'' has to be.
* [[Mama Bear]]: The thing that makes Haines join Sten's rebellion against the Eternal Emperor, violating the law and every oath she ever swore? It wasn't that the Eternal Emperor's black-ops team was sent to abduct or kill her because she was a useful hostage against her ex-boyfriend Sten (now Undesirable Number One of the Empire). Sure, that part sucks, and obviously requires her to become a fugitive and find someplace to hide for the rest of her life, but its no reason to actually ''rebel''. But that the operatives would also have killed her ''husband'', simply because he was there at the time and it was a no-witnesses type of deal? Her husband who is entirely innocent of anything, even by association? ''That'' has her determined to burn down the Empire.
