Strictly Formula/Quotes: Difference between revisions

fixed the external link in the currently-last quote, did other minor cleanup
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(fixed the external link in the currently-last quote, did other minor cleanup)
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|''[[Mad Magazine]]'', [[Pokémon|"Hokéycon"]]}}
{{quote|"They really are all the same, aren't they?' she said to the three-eyed teddy bear. 'You know it's going to be Mary the Maid, or someone like her, and [[Love Triangle|there's going to be two men]] and she will end up with the nice one, and [[Comedy of Errors|there has to be misunderstandings]], and they never do anything more than kiss and it's absolutely guaranteed that, for example, an exciting civil war or an invasion by trolls or [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|even a scene with any cooking in it]] is not going to happen. The best you can expect is a thunderstorm."|'''Glenda Sugarbean''', ''[[Discworld/Unseen Academicals|Unseen Academicals]]''}}
{{quote|"The first episode of ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'' that aired on network TV was episode #42, "The Problem with Paras." There are over 700 ''Pokemon episodes'' in existence now, so you might not remember this particular one. It's the one where they go somewhere and meet a Pokemon with a problem, and the gang tries to solve that problem, and Team Rocket tries to mess it up. It's that one."|'''[[Platypus Comix]]''', "First Kids WB airing of Pokemon"}}
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{{quote|So [[Lowest Common Denominator|for a shonen to be mainstream]], the plot has to be very straightforward, very simple, let nothing to peoples understanding or guesses, explain everything [[Viewers are Morons|as if the spectator is a little child]] watching [[Sesame Street|Sesame street]], and [[Viewers Are Goldfish|repeat it several times to be sure]] (because [[Killing Bites|Killing bites]] is [[Memetic Mutation|about who has the sharper fangs]]), with no idea how it will end or even what will happen in it a year onward. In fact mainstream shonens usually have the same story told in different interpretations, with a main character that is a little dumb for everything except fighting, where he [[Time to Unlock More True Potential|keeps]] [[Shonen Upgrade|surpassing himself]] to beat enemies who keep appearing to destroy/conquer the world. If you watch one, you’ve more or less watched them all. They are so predictable you’ll be surprised by almost nothing in them. Unless you are [[Attack on Titan|the female titan]] guy.
|''[ Mainstream shonens are bad by default]'' by Kukuruyo}}