Strictly Formula: Difference between revisions

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** Some sort of reference to Jesus and/or Christianity
* Played with in ''[[The Cabin in the Woods]]'', where there's a massive conspiracy ''[[Invoked Trope|making]]'' people follow the strict formula of horror movies {{spoiler|because that formula is actually the guideline for a human sacrifice ritual, and all the right beats need to be hit in order to keep [[Eldritch Abomination|the Ancient Ones]] satisfied}}.
* Hallmark Christmas Movies: The protagonist, a straight white woman who moved to the big city and became successful there, returns to her small hometown, re-meets and falls back in love with the straight white man who she never married, learns about and comes to terms with a family secret, (re-)discovers the True Meaning of Christmas (''not'' "the holidays"), and at the very end of the movie kisses (always a closed-mouth kiss) the aforementioned straight white man.
== Literature ==