Sub-Mariner: Difference between revisions

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* [[Early Installment Weirdness]]: Namor used to have powers based on sea creatures like the puffer fish and the electric eel. The power to control and redirect electricity is the only artifact left over from this period.
* [[Everything's Better with Spinning]]: One of Namor's most effective tactics underwater is to trap his opponent in a whirlpool until he or she runs out of air.
* [[Evil Chancellor]] / [[The Usurper]]: Longtime Namor antagonist Warlord Krang, who recently returned from limbo as a member of Joe Casey's [[The Defenders|'Last' Defenders]] team and during the pages of Namor's last solo attempted ANOTHER coup for control of Atlantis {{spoiler|only at the end for both to enter into a [[Enemy Mine]] situation. }}
* [[Evil Is Not a Toy]]: In the new Invaders comics Namor is tricked into taking up usage of the [[Artifact of Doom|Serpent Crown]]; the same relic that shattered his consciousness and left him an amnesiac, as a means of fortifying his already fragile psychology against mental intrusion. This was all a ruse however, as his war ghost opted to use the crown in order to escape Mr. McKenzie's mindscape and into a new body.
* [[Fair Cop]]: Betty Dean, his [[Golden Age]] love interest.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: In his youth he was a pariah in Atlantis due to, being, well, white - where normal Atlanteans are blue. They called him "pale crab." He's happy to note that they don't do that anymore, but the Blue Marvel thinks they just don't do it to his ''face''.
* [[Fire-Forged Friends]]: When he first met the [[Incredible Hulk]], shortly after Hulk's falling out with the original [[The Avengers (Comic Book)|Avengers]], they fought to a draw and then decided to team up against all humanity for a minute. Though they've both obviously stepped back from that goal, they've remained loyal friends ever since. (Namor was the only one to object to the Illuminati's plan to send Hulk into space.)
** With Jim Hammond, the original Human Torch. The two had their famous battles, but they later fought side-by-side in [[World War II]] in the Invaders. Namor later referred to Hammond as someone he respects (and for a guy like Namor, that's quite a compliment). Ultimately subverted in Chip Zdarsky's Invaders run; where the King of Atlantis decapitated the living android, earning the latter's eternal ire after he'd forcefully converted humans into waterbreathers as a follow up.
* [[Fish People]]: Imperius Fish!
* [[Flight]]: He has small, fin-like wings on his ankles (echoing the mythological example of the [[Classical Mythology|Greco-Roman god]] Hermes/Mercury). These work equally well to propel him through air and water.
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* [[The Good King]]: Namor loves Atlantis and will do anything to protect it. Those who try to harm his city or his people [[Berserk Button|will deeply regret that decision]].
* [[Grievous Harm with a Body]]: Attacked by two Sentinels, Namor tore off one of the robot's arms and used it to smash its companion to bits.
* [[Handsome Lech]]: Even after 6 decades of publishing where Sue chose Reed and even bore the good scientists a son, Namor still pines for the Invisible Woman despite her being married to another man and is constantly vying for her affection despite the glaring evidence that it'll never happen.
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]: Just ''try'' and talk to him without setting him off. It'll be funny.
* [[Heel Face Revolving Door]]
* [[Hero Insurance]]: Thanks to his membership in The Defenders.
* [[Hijacked by Ganon]]: Happens in the new run of Invaders comics, where a manifesto of his more malignant personality traits which, ironically enough [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|was created by Charlie X]] to manage his severe PTSD. A psychic phantasm going by the manifesto of Thomas Machen, {{Spoiler|modeled after an old warbuddy from WWII whom died in his arms whom had secretly been influencing his actions from as early on as his partaking of cooperate casual}} would usurp a plan it'd influenced Namor to conceive of for the better part of seven decades. All in an attempt to expand Atlantis's borders to the ends of the Earth.
* [[Hot-Blooded]]
* [[Immune to Bullets]]
* [[Jerkass]]: Sure, he's demonstrated that he can be a nice guy here and there, but by far and large he's a rude, manipulative, self-centered ''asshole''.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: One notable example is an issue of [[Fantastic Four]] in which Reed Richards had returned [[Death Is Cheap|after it was believed he was dead]] and found that Namor and Susan Richards had shared a kiss. Furious, Reed attacked and Namor purposefully [[Throwing the Fight|lost the fight]] and pretended to be knocked unconscious so that Reed would feel better and regain his confidence. For a guy as proud as Namor, that was really sweet.
* Jerk with a heart of Jerk: How he is displayed on a regular basis. As if all the character development he'd undergone after having all the dumb bunk he pulled in his effort to strengthen his basis, which had the inadvertent effect of hurting a lot of people around him, was mysteriously forgotten over the coarse of his later escapades. Jason Aaron's run on the Avengers have [[Up to Eleven|cranked up his negative traits by a couple notches]] and considering whom we're talking about? Thats an [[Understatement]].
* [[Kryptonite Factor]]: If he's separated from water for too long, he loses much of his strength. He also needs open air from time to time, due to his mixed parentage.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: Strong enough to slug it out with some of Marvel's heaviest hitters, not to mention terrifyingly fast.
* [[Looking for Love In All the Wrong Places]]: Well known for his pursuit of the married Susan Richards. Which other than his late wife is probably his longest relationship.
* {{spoiler|[[Mama's Baby, Papa's Maybe]]:}} {{spoiler|1=In the 2012 [[The Defenders]] run, a childhood memory of his mother hiding a picture of herself, Leonard McKenzie and Captain Nemo from him, along with the discovery of a copy of the picture within the sunken Nautilus, brought up the question if [[Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea|Captain Nemo]] might be Namor's father. Not that Namor could care at this stage of his life.}}
** {{spoiler|In a specialized retelling about the birth of [[Goo-Goo Godlike|Franklin Richards]] to Mister and Misses Fantastic, their infant son seemingly possessed the pointed ears of The Submariner at the time when he was conceived. This raised a ton of questions in regards to Susan's faithfulness to her lawfully wedded husband as well as to whom the father of her child really was.}}
* [[Mercury's Wings]]: Ankle wings are a characteristic of Atlanteans. They work equally well in the water or air.
* [[Miles Gloriosus]]: Often flipflopped in the subverted/inverted categories. While a huge blunderbuss who never shuts up about the majesty of Atlantis nor the shortcomings of land walker civilization. Namor is still a king and a protector of the world in his own right whom garners the respect and reverence of the Atlantean peoples, and a few amongst land dwelling members of the superhuman community.
* [[Monster Modesty]]: A few examples.
** [[Depending on the Writer|Depending on the artist]], the blue-skinned Atlanteans will often wear very little. Armored swimsuits and loincloths are common.
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*** He averts the trope in ''[[Marvels]]'', where he wears ''nothing at all'', even when fighting the Nazis.
* [[Mutants]]: Being a [[Half-Human Hybrid]], Namor is considered one even among most of the Atlantean people. He's a somewhat different type of mutant than the others in the Marvel Universe (as he's an Atlantean mutant rather than a human mutant; his human half is 100% "normal"), but that's usually not considered important. At one point he was lodging with the [[X-Men (Comic Book)|X-Men]] on their new artificial island.
* [[Never My Fault]]: Has this to an insane degree. Often going off halfcocked about the infidelities the surface dwellers tend to get up to while conveniently ignoring his own many, MANY transgressions against all life on Earth in his misguided attempts to put Atlantis ahead of everything else. Always shirking responsibility for his own misguided actions and reassigning blame when his own harmful deeds usually bring disaster upon the people he claims to protect and serve as well as [[Hoist By Her Own Petard|himself more often than not]].
* [[Offing the Offspring]]: To be fair, the offspring in question was a long lost and unknown bad seed that tried to kill him and drive Atlantis to war.
* [[Older Than They Look]]: Namor was born in the 1920's, teamed up with Captain America during World War II, and still looks like a man in the prime of his life. Justified due to his half-Atlantean physiology.
* [[Our Mermaids Are Different]]: He is part-mutant, part-Atlantean. Pure-blood AntlanteansAtlanteans are also humanoid but have blue skin.
* [[Pointy Ears]]
* [[Pride]]: Oh so very much.
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* [[Warrior Prince]]: Namor was doing this back when he was still only a Prince (and he's still generally referred to as such, despite being the King of Atlantis). This is, almost without exception, the cause of any perceived villainy in his publishing history: it's all either in the name of protecting or avenging Atlantis.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: Most of the time, all he really wants is a blonde and/or cleaner oceans. No matter what he's after, however, he'll always be a total dick about it.
* [[We Used to Be Friends]]: Has this falling out with a lot of people, it's gotten to the point where he's even alienated his oldest friends in The Invaders during recent escapades in the early-late 2010's.
* [[With Friends Like These...]]: No matter how many times one betrays the other, Namor and [[Doctor Doom]] usually will always find themselves back in each other's good graces down the line. No one is sure why, because they're both smart enough that they really should know better than to trust each other, ever. It's pretty well-established that Namor is one of the few people that Doom genuinely ''likes''. What's a little betrayal between friends? By now, they probably take it as given. One could even argue that it is a mutual dislike for a certain Mr. Fantastic.
* [[Wrath]]: Honestly he's as bad as the Hulk or Wolverine. [[Punctuated! For! Emphasis!|ALMOST WORSE EVEN]].
