Suicide Prevention
For any tropers who feel this way... You Are Not Alone.
In Australia
- Lifeline - 13 11 14
- Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800 - specifically for people under 25.
In Canada
- In English:
- Canada Suicide Prevention Service Toll-free: 1-833-456-4566. Text: 45645. Chat:
- Kids Help Phone: Toll-free: 1-800-668-6868. Chat: App: Always There by Kids Help Phone — specifically for people under 25.
- En français:
- Association québécoise de prévention du suicide: 1-866-APPELLE (1-866-277-3553)
- Bilingual:
- In Ottawa, all pay phones at O-Train stations have buttons that you can use to make a free call to the Distress Centre of Ottawa. Or you can call 613-238-3311 if you're anywhere in Ottawa. They'll help with any mental health concerns, not just suicidal thoughts.
In France
- SOS Amitié - 01 42 96 26 26
- Suicide Ecoute - 01 45 39 40 00
In Germany
In Japan
- BI Suicide Prevention Centre, Osaka - +81 (0) 6 4395 4343
- Tokyo English Lifeline - +81 (0) 3 5774 0992
In the Philippines
- National Center for Mental Health Crisis Hotline: 0917-899 8727 or (02) 989-8727 (open 24/7)
- The Natasha Goulbourn Foundation provides 24/7 assistance to those who call (02) 804-HOPE (4673) or 0917 558 HOPE (4673)
- Manila Lifeline Centre: (02) 896-9191
In Russia
- Psychological Help - 8 (495) 051
In Spain
In Sweden
- BRIS - Barnens Rätt I Samhället (Childrens' Right In Society - under 18s) - 116 111
- Brottsofferjouren (Gives help and support to victims of crime) 0200 - 21 20 19
- Jourhavande präst (A priest that you can call and talk to during the night (9pm - 6am). Believes in God, but won't talk about religion unless you choose to.) 112 (the Swedish emergency number), ask for the priest on call.
- Kvinnofridslinjen (Gives help and support to women subjected to domestic abuse) 020 - 50 50 50
In the United Kingdom
- Breathing Space - 0800 838587.
- Childline - 0800 1111 (under 16s only, have specialist counselors for teen and preteen issues).
- The Samaritans - 08457 909090.
In the United States
- For the general public:
- National Suicide Hotline - 1-800-273-TALK
- Kristin Brooks Hope Center - Hopeline - 1-800-SUICIDE
- By and for specific groups:
- 1-866-4-U-TREVOR - LGBTQ+ teens (The Trevor Project)
- 1-800-GRADHLP - Grad students
- 1-800-PPD-MOMS - Postpartum depression
- 1-800-SUICIDA - Spanish / Español
- 1-877-YOUTHLINE - Teens
- 1-877-Vet2Vet - Veterans
- Befrienders Worldwide - "We don't judge them or tell them what to do - we listen."
- Metanoia - Takes a logical approach to the issue of suicide.
- Suicide Hotlines -
- Depression: What You Need To Know (National Institute of Mental Health)
- IMAlive - An Online Crisis Network. Live IRC chat with trained crisis intervention volunteers.
- Definitive Guide to Raising Religious Children in an Online World - Christian-oriented general resource for parents, including advice on how to prevent suicides caused by online bullying and harassment.
Archived links:
- GivesMeHope (archived) - Stories of hope, love, and compassion.
- Depression: What You Know Can Help You (World Federation for Mental Health, archived) - In English, Portuguese, and Spanish. Includes a listing of telephone numbers in various nations.