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Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Donna getting Louis to panick and run away from trying to get his reward from Harvey for doing Harvey a favor.

Donna: (fake crying)
Louis: Oh shit... (runs away)

    • Also, Harvey's realization that Donna used the same trick on him before to get him to let her parents stay in his condo.
    • A Call Back moment occurs when Donna begins crying in front of Mike as evidence of her excellent acting skills. Mike, of course, panicked too.
  • Harvey telling Mike he's getting really good at ... ruining the moment.
  • Mike commenting that he was a fabulous criminal, only for Harvey to remind him about how his briefcase fell open and then there was weed all over the floor
  • Every time Mike gives Harvey an idea, only for him to reject it. A few scenes later, Harvey inevitably does the exact same thing Mike told him to do, insisting that he did not say it was a bad idea.
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