• Award Snub: Painfully. Gloria Swanson lost the Best Actress Oscar only because Bette Davis in All About Eve was her main competitor. Swanson and Davis cancelled each other out, leaving newcomer Judy Holliday winning for Born Yesterday.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Norma Desmond's idea for her comeback vehicle - a Biblical epic about Salome - is regarded as laughably ridiculous by DeMille and the other Hollywood types. However, not only was an actual Salome film (starring Barbara Stanwyck) produced in 1953, but numerous filmmakers throughout the rest of the '50s (including DeMille himself) would turn to Biblical epics as a way of competing with the television audience, and some of these efforts turned out to be every bit as schlocky as Norma's.
  • It Was His Sled: Almost inevitable in such a famous film from so long ago.
  • The Woobie: By the end ... everyone. But Max in particular has had a life of this.