Survivor (TV series)/Characters/Borneo: Difference between revisions

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* [[Badass Gay]]
* [[The Bad Guy Wins]]
* [[Batman Gambit]]: Throwing the final challenge. He correctly assumed that Kelly would win and vote out Rudy, ensuring that ''he'' didn't have to vote out Rudy. Although they were extremely loyal allies throughout the whole game, Richard believed that he couldn't win against Rudy, so if he had won, he would have voted him vote over Kelly. This raises the possibility of Rudy feeling betrayed by Rich and voting for Kelly, so by throwing the challenge, Richard gets to throw the dirt onto Kelly. He also knew that Kelly felt the same way about Rudy (that she couldn't win against him, but could possibly win against Richard). He also waited long enough to get the temptation (food, in this case oranges) from the host.
* [[Big Bad]]/[[Anti-Hero]]: To the Tagi alliance.
* [[The Chessmaster]]
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* [[Hero-Killer]]: Getting rid of Gretchen.
* [[Jerkass Woobie]]: He had a tough childhood and was discriminated against in his lifetime for being gay.
* [[Large and In Charge]]: He's 6'4, and over 200 lbs. Before the show, he was even bigger (at one point he mentions how he dropped one hundred pounds just to get in shape enough to pass the physical).
* [[Large Ham]]: His obnoxious, over the top rendition of ''99 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall'' during the final six Immunity Challenge would qualify him for this. Not to mention his weird little [[Happy Dance]] that he does when he wins immunity during the Episode 10 challenge.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
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[[Category:Survivor (TV series)/Characters]]