Take Me Instead!: Difference between revisions

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Compare and contrast [[Silent Scapegoat]] and [[I Am Spartacus]], which both differ in that a character is specifically taking the blame for the actions of another by claiming to be them, [[More Expendable Than You]], in which the character is protecting someone he considers more important, and [[Prisoner Exchange]], in which someone from the villain's team is captured and traded for the hostage.
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* In ''[[Full Metal Panic!]]'', Ms. Kagurazaka, Kaname's teacher, offers to be the hostage in place of Kaname when Gauron hijacks the airplane they're on. Of course, Gauron refuses, because the teacher isn't a whispered, and is therefore useless.
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* In ''[[I, Claudius]]'', when Caligula falls ill, some of his subjects make grandiose public announcements that if Death spares the Emperor, they'll kill themselves in his place. Later, when Caligula gets better, he forces them all to follow through on it.
* In ''[[The Thrawn Trilogy|The Last Command]]'', Luke offers to stay with Joruus C'baoth if he lets Leia, Han, Mara, and Talon go. Fortunately for him, Joruus is power-hungry enough to refuse the offer.
* In ''[[Harry Potter (novel)|Harry Potter]]'', [[Mama Bear]] Lily Evans-Potter offers her life to Voldemort so he would let baby Harry live. He doesn't listen to her of course. {{spoiler|And ultimately it was her [[Heroic Sacrifice]] whatthat saved Harry by triggering a powerful ancient magic that protected him and destroyed Voldemort's body}}.
** This same magic is activated again when {{spoiler|Harry allows Voldemort to kill him to save the world. When he comes [[Back from the Dead]], he notices that none of the spells Voldemort tries to cast on anyone at Hogwarts affect them for very long.}}
** In ''Deathly Hallows'', when Bellatrix gets Hermione to torture her, Ron offers himself to be taken instead of her. Bellatrix answers he can take her place... ''if Hermione dies under questioning''.