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Is this a trope or a useful note?

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

It reads like a Useful Note, and it has zero examples.


Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Rob, it's tagged as a useful note, and the initial edit reason for the page creation reads, in part, "i'm putting this in the trope workshop even though it's technically a "useful note" not a trope, so the entire community can work on it and correct mistakes".

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

I completely missed that. Thanks.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

No problem.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

And since work on the page tapered off in the middle of last month, I'm moving this out into the main namespace. Not taking a vote, as it's a Useful Note and not a trope.

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