Template:Gunnerkrigg Court recap page/doc

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

This template marks the page into which it is transcluded with Template:work and Template:Gunnerkrigg Court recap page spoiler warning, gives it an infobox, and adds it to Category:Gunnerkrigg Court, Category:Recap, and Category:Pages Original to All The Tropes.


{{Gunnerkrigg Court recap page
 | vol number = <volume number (required)>
 | ch number = <chapter number (required)>
 | ch name = <chapter name (required)>
 | cover page number = <page number of cover page (e.g., 870 for "Give and Take") (required)>
 | cover page link = <markup for a link to cover page (overrides `cover page number`)>
 | last page number = <page number of last page (including bonus pages)>
 | Wikia page name = <name of corresponding page on gunnerkrigg.wikia.com (default: "Chapter <ch number>: <ch name>")>
 | prev = <title of previous chapter>
 | next = <title of next chapter>
 | chrono prev = <page name for the chronologically previous recap page>
 | chrono next = <page name for the chronologically next recap page>
 | retrospective video = <ID for YouTube video>
 | image = <image filename>
 | place in vol = <see text>

All the parameters are optional unless marked as required.

Page numbers should be given using the value of the parameter p in "https://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=...", not the old comicID in "https://www.gunnerkrigg.com/archive_page.php?comicID=...".

retrospective video should be given as the value of the parameter v in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...&list=... for a video from Gunnerkrigg Retrospective.

For the first chapter in a volume, the parameter place in vol = first should be set. For the last chapter in a volume, place in vol = last should be set.


{{Gunnerkrigg Court recap page
 | place in vol = last
 | vol number = 1
 | ch number = 14
 | ch name = The Fangs of Summertime
 | cover page number = 258
 | last page number = 304
 | prev = A Week for Kat
 | next = Red Returns
 | chrono next = Extra: Traveller
 | retrospective video = yJMW-dn7qD0