The Alleged Car: Difference between revisions

split "comics" into "comic books" and "newspaper comics"
(split "comics" into "comic books" and "newspaper comics")
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{{quote|'''[[Honest John's Dealership|Crazy Vaclav]]''': She'll do 300 [[Unit Confusion|hectares]] on a single tank of kerosene.
'''Homer''': [[Made in Country X|What country is this car from?]]
'''Crazy Vaclav''': [[Balkanize Me|It no longer exists.]]|''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'', "Mr. Plow"}}
|''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'', "Mr. Plow"}}
It was cheap. It was easy to buy. Charitably, it can be called a car. Unfortunately, it tops out at about 40 miles per hour (45 if you're going downhill), [[Plot-Driven Breakdown|it breaks down a lot]], you get parking tickets for it ''[[Driving Stick|while it's in drive]]'', and you probably have to special-order replacement parts from overseas, since you're the only one in your time zone who was enough of a sucker to buy one (and cars like this are inevitably foreign, often from countries that [[The Great Politics Mess-Up|no longer exist]] due to civil wars and political turmoil). The only reason it hasn't fallen apart yet is because the rust holds everything in place. Often it has some kind of cute or derogatory nickname. Sometimes a car like this is referred to as a Rolls-Canardley: rolls down one hill, can 'ardly get up the next.
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* In the manga of ''[[You're Under Arrest]]'', Natsumi ends up with one of these after getting her auto license - the car had been assembled out of discarded parts from numerous stolen vehicles. Then it gets customized by Miyuki...
== ComicsComic Books ==
* Archie Andrews' jalopy in ''[[Archie Comics]]''. Witness what happens when Archie tries to get it insured:
{{quote|'''Insurer''': What model is your car?
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* The title character of ''[[Achille Talon]]'' drives a car that rolled off the assembly line in 1903 (the British-made Achilles, obviously chosen for its name). And it looks every year of its age.
* Gabe's beater in ''[[The Maze Agency]]'', which is used to contrast Jen's 1958 Corvette, the [[Cool Car]].
* Brad's perpetually worked-on Chevy Nova in ''[[Luann]]''.
* The 1962 VW Microbus Jeremy and Hector are "restoring" in ''[[Zits]]''. It has wildlife living in the engine compartment and creates its own smokescreen as it drives.
* [[Spider-Man|The Spider-Mobile]]. Unlike most examples on this page, it was actually pretty pimped out...just really uncool in being pointless (Spider-Man neither needs nor—as the arc in which the thing appeared showed—has the ability to drive a car) and corny looking. [[Dork Age|The butt of many jokes in hindsight]].
* Harold Harold's car in ''[[The Tomb of Dracula]]''.
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* The [[Ruritania|Transbelvian]] Belv in [[Eyrie Productions, Unlimited]]'s ''[[Street Fighter]]''/[[Mega Crossover|whole bunch of other stuff]] fic ''Warrior's Legacy''. The author/narrator describes it quite well:
{{quote|I insist, though, that when in Transbelvia, the truly discriminating tourist is obligated to drive the national automobile, the one and only Belv. The Belv is the quintessential East European car, a tiny tin box with a two-stroke motor that sounds like a mimeograph machine on Self-Destruct and smells like a burning blackwall tire. This particular one had a four-speed manual gearbox that liked to crunch and jitter on shifts, brakes operated by cables, and no gauges that worked. }}
* Non-car example: [[Midnight Green|Midnight Green's]]'s dilapidated cart that he quite happily smashes into a tree.
== Films -- Animated ==
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{{quote|''Carcacha, go step by step, don't stop "limping" forward.
''Carcacha, bit by bit. Please don't leave us! }}
== Newspaper Comics ==
* Brad's perpetually worked-on Chevy Nova in ''[[Luann]]''.
* The 1962 VW Microbus Jeremy and Hector are "restoring" in ''[[Zits]]''. It has wildlife living in the engine compartment and creates its own smokescreen as it drives.
== Radio ==