The Best Page in The Universe/YMMV
- Dude, Not Funny: A frequent reaction to some of his articles, particularly the ones about Elizabeth Smart and Christopher Reeve.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: Look at the screenshot montage on his Xbox rant, written in 2002. The games shown are Metal Slug 3, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, and Radiant Silvergun, three games Maddox ranted would never appear on Xbox. All three games eventually made it to Xbox or Xbox 360. Yes, even Radiant Silvergun.
- Hype Backlash: A lot of the things he expresses hate for are (or were at the time) particularly popular, such as Titanic at the time he wrote his anti-Titanic article, and the iPhone (then without a lot of features and apps available nowadays).
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