The Blues Brothers/Funny

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The Blues Brothers

  • All of the car chase scenes (especially the one through a frickin' shopping mall!).

 Jake: This place has everything!

  • Neo-Nazi: I've always loved you.
  • Personally, the greatest moment was when the ex-girlfriend nearly blew up the protagonists with a drive-by missile launch, and their reaction. No, wait a minute... the nun scene might just top it.
  • What about the scene when they drive over a bridge and through the Illinois Nazis? This troper laughs like a hyena during that scene, for obvious reasons.
  • This Troper still laughs at the end when the Blues Brothers are handcuffed and turn around to see every cop and National Guardsman in Illinois pointing their guns at them
  • Jake's Large Ham / Hurricane of Excuses speech to Carrie Fisher telling her why he left her at the altar, which culminates with: "THERE WAS AN EARTHQUAKE! A TERRIBLE FLOOD! LOCUSTS! IT WASN'T MY FAULT I SWEAR TO GOD!" . . . after which he kisses her, drops her on the ground, and says to Elwood "Let's go".
  • John Candy, after the epic chase ends with him and his police car sticking out of the side of a semi:

 Candy: Hi. This is car...what number are we?

Cop: Five five.

Candy: Car 55. We're in a truck! Heh!

  • The rednecks continuing to throw bottles at the band even after they get the music they want. Just makes you wonder how long it took for the owner to install that cage.
  • The Cool Car falling to pieces the exact second Jake and Elwood don't need it anymore.
  • Jake and Elwood blackmailing Mr. Fabulous into coming back to the band by behaving badly in a ritzy restaurant. It really must be seen in all its hilarity.
    • "How much for ze women?"
    • The little girl's reactions throughout the sequence too.
  • When Jake gets his Mission From God:


  • Jake uses a pack of cigarettes to fool the Good 'Ol Boys into thinking he was a fed.
  • Elwood stealing fireworks from the gas station.
  • During the montage of everyone getting the word out about the show, we see Ray hanging up a flier in his store...upside down.
    • Whose idea was it to give Ray a gun?
  • The hotel the brothers are staying in gets completely and totally leveled in the middle of the night while they're in it. The next morning, they wake up and brush the rubble off, their suits perfectly ironed and without a single scratch on them.

Blues Brothers 2000


 Mack: How long can we stay down here?

Elwood: How long can you hold your breath?

    • When they resurface, they do so underneath the boat (crawling with explosives) of a radical militia faction, holding a secret meeting out in the woods. The boat ends up on top of the Bluesmobile.

 Mack: Hey, you guys having a picnic?

(Militiamen all point their guns at the Blues Brothers, generating Oh Crap faces from them)


Elwood: (confused, aside to Mack) ...what boat?

Robertson: That is the international Jewish-Communist Conspiracy in action, people! One of their spy satellite's must have picked up our location...

(The Bluesmobile drives off)

Robertson: KILL THEM!

(The militiamen shoot. Elwood drives over a bump in the road, bucking the boat off of the car and onto the leader. Cue Stuff Blowing Up)

Mack: (with a massive explosion in the background) Did you hear something?

Elwood: (bluntly) Nope.

  • Elwood covering Buster's eyes in the strip club.
  • Joe Morton's facial expressions and spot-on re-creation of Belushi's exasperated "ELLLLLWOOOOOOOOODD!"