• Hey, It's That Guy!: In addition to an array of guest stars that included the likes of Dick Van Dyke and Leslie Nielsen, some young stars who weren't yet famous made appearances in episodes, including Mario López as Mario, a prized student of Dorothy's in danger of deportation, and child-star-turned-indie-rock-star Jenny Lewis as Daisy, a Sunshine Cadet who holds Rose's beloved childhood teddy bear hostage. George Clooney, Quentin Tarantino, and Bob Hope also make appearances.
  • The questionable penis-shaped tin in the kitchen is actually a lobster.
  • Sophia's lack of tact is sometimes explained by Dorothy after the fact as the stroke Sophia had in the past which caused her to be placed in Shady Pines (though this is rarely referred to otherwise). The stroke and her propensity to say rude things was only fully described on the first episode.