The Guards Must Be Crazy: Difference between revisions

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* In 1987 a 18 year old West German aviator named Mathias Rust managed to fly straight through several supposedly impregnable layers of Soviet air-defense systems and land his Cessna [ near the center of Red Square]. What made this worse was that he was spotted on several occasions by air defense crews and interceptors, but most of them either assumed he was friendly, thought he had crashed shortly afterwords, or otherwise failed to gain permission to shoot him down. The event ended up irreparably damaging the credibitly of the Soviet military and led to the firing of many senior officers.
** In one regard, he was either brilliant or very lucky: his aircraft was so small that radar registered him as a helicopter.
** He was incredibly lucky several times; one air-defense battery asked for permission to shoot him down but bureaucratic delays left them with no answer until he'd already vanished off their scopes, another one mistook him for a Soviet air force training flight, and a third mistook him for one of several rescue helicopters responding to a forest fire.
* [ Czechoslovakian hairdresser-turned-soldier-turned-Nazi-POW Horace Greasley] repeatedly broke out of the POW camp he was transferred to so he could have sex with his previous camp's quarry director's daughter. And then snuck ''back into his current POW camp'' as if nothing happened. '''''He did this three times a week for five years.''''' Then the war ended and he was set free.