The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disney film)/Nightmare Fuel

  • The gargoyle that randomly comes to life just to finish off Frollo...
  • The statues of the saints looking down at Frollo, and of the Virgin Mother's eyes opening as the lightning flashes in the prologue.
  • Quasi being almost strangled and beaten as the "King of Fools".
  • Judge Claude Frollo: religious fanatic, dirty old man, and genocidal maniac. Also, most other Disney villains have some comical sidekick to lessen the horrifying impact of them being there. Frollo doesn't; he has a black stallion that looks as vicious as he does.
    • Fabulous singer, though.
      • In his Villain Song, when he sings the line, "And let her taste the fires of hell!", you can hear in the background the vision of Esmeralda screaming as she's presumably burned eternally.
      • Take a Third Option: He gets to burn her alive for being a gypsy "witch", and then she burns eternally in Hell. Fun, fun, fun!
      • In his final moments in the film, he looks positively demonic, resembling the Joker from the '89 Batman film (the film from which the last chase scene takes inspiration). The delivery of his very ironic Famous Last Words : "And he shall smite the wicked and plunge them into the fiery pit!"
      • His Karmic Death can also play a role from both the statue coming alive for a second and screaming while falling to his death with him being burned alive. Especially if you consider the hypothesis that the living statues were the products of Quasimodo's mind. Frollo was an evil bastard the whole time, but at climax of the film, he goes full stop insane and starts hallucinating too -- but instead of helpful, funny characters that Quasimodo projects, he gets a roaring flame monster that accompanies him in his last moments, as he falls to his death.
      • Know what's even better? Instead of a Gory Discretion Shot, we're treated to seeing Frollo fall straight into the molten lead. So we know for a fact that he died horribly. How freaking lovely!
      • The most terrifying thing? People actually existed that were like this man. Somewhere, they still exist today in all religions. And they will exist in the future as well, in any religion. Think about that for a while.
        • As if people like that ONLY exist in religion. Some of the world's most heinous tyrants and murderers were staunch members of purely secular belief systems, such as Communism, and a good portion of them even held similar personalities to Frollo. In summary: evil exists everywhere. Think about that for a while.
    • The hot wax in the climax may have been lava that had DESTROYED THE ENTIRE CITY, mostly due to slight short term memory and Frollo's "I'll find her if I have to burn down all of Paris" line. The movie itself doesn't make any sense as a young kid, which is probably how Disney got away with all that.
    • When Frollo holds baby Quasimodo over the well and says he's sending the baby "back to Hell, where it belongs"
    • Frollo looked positively demonic during the chase leading up to that scene, and it definitely didn't help that the guy practically killed the kid's poor mother.
      • Oh, no practically about that, he really did kill her! And what's worse is that he thought he was guiltless! Sweet dreams!