The Illuminati: Difference between revisions

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{{examples|Examples of The Illuminati in popular culture include:}}
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' has [[Big Bad|Father]], the Homunculi, and {{spoiler|[[The Government|Central Command]] actually running Amestris}} in a manner that fashions this trope in every way except without the name. The Homunculi are [[Anthropomorphic Personification]]s of the [[Seven Deadly Sins]] {{spoiler|whose source of life is cultivated from a direct result of human character emotions and vices}}, and their symbol is the Ouroboros. {{spoiler|Central, headed by King Bradley (who's actually [[Unstoppable Rage|Wrath]]), have controlled the economy, media, military, and politics of the nation, cultivated [[Fantastic Racism]], and used war propaganda, all to annex lands at central points to set the stage for Father's [[Ancient Conspiracy|Ancient]] [[Evil Plan]].}} It turns out that {{spoiler|Father even ''founded'' Amestris by teaching a group of people alchemy, which they used to grow into a powerful and prosperous nation - but secretly blocked them from using its true source, the energy released from the earth's movement underground (''[[Manipulative Bastard|which he even included in his teachings!]]''), through a series of underground tubes which ended with him and instead forced them [[Powered by a Forsaken Child|to use the energy of his Philosopher's Stone and all the human souls trapped within]].}} And what is Father's driving purpose, exactly? {{spoiler|[[Satan|To conquer God]].}}