The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages: Difference between revisions

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* [[Cute Witch]]: Maple.
* [[Cut Song]]: [ Here.]
* [[Dark -Skinned Redhead]]: Din in ''Seasons''.
* [[Dark World]]: Subrosa subverts this; despite being made of lava and and having erupting volcanos it's actually a rather pleasant place with few enemies.
* [[Deep Sleep]]: The Maku Tree in ''Seasons'' does almost nothing besides sleeping.
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** Another reason why the third ''Oracle'' game was cancelled was revealed in an interview with ''Electronic Gaming Monthly'' (check the August 2000 issue). The developers realized that with three games, making a continuous story through three games that could be played in any order was a tall task indeed, and they also didn't know what order people would play them in (whether it was 1-2-3, or 1-3-2, or whatever).
*** Using permutations, there would be a grand total of 6 ways to play all three games in sequence.
* [[The Dragon]]: [[Co -Dragons|Both]] Onox and Veran to Twinrova (and Ganon).
** Onox takes it literally in the final battle since he is {{spoiler|a wyvern}}.
* [[Dual Boss]]: Twinrova.
* [[Empty Room Psych]]: The rooms for {{spoiler|linked secrets}}.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Dinosaurs]]: A red Dodongo that you can ride to swim through fast currents. He can also eat enemies in one gulp. And you can pick him up and throw him to hurt enemies. Also, he's the hardest friend to get a flute for in ''Seasons'' (in ''Ages'', you just buy the flute at the store).
* [[Final Exam Boss]]: Three times in ''Ages''. Two of those times are related to the [[Demonic Possession]] gear mentioned above, while the other one is... a giant statue.
* [[Flat Character]]: Onox is... some evil general who wants to throw the seasons into chaos and... that's just about all you see of him until you fight him. Veran at ''least'' shows up a little more.
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** Debatably, Queen Ambi (human) and Cap'n (undead).
** In ''Seasons'', Link woos and dates Subrosian pop star Rosa so he can borrow her [[MacGuffin|magical key]] to unlock a few doors.
* [[Infinity Plus One+1 Sword]]: Two of them, the Master Sword and the Biggoron Sword. There are also tons of items and bonuses that you can only get by playing a linked game.
** The Red Ring, awarded in ''Oracle of Seasons'' by defeating four golden enemies, doubles your sword damage without any drawbacks.
* [[ISO Standard Urban Groceries]]: In the ending for the linked game, the [[MacGuffin Girl]] from ''Ages'' is seen with this.
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* [[Nerf]]: The jumping distance when using the Roc's Feather was shortened compared to the jumping distance in ''Link's Awakening''.
** This is however inverted in ''Seasons'' when you pick up Roc's Cape which is a L2 Roc's Feather.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: In ''Ages'', the only reason Veran is able to possess Naryu is because Link disrupts the barrier separating the two in a [[But Thou Must]] moment.
** A much more literal example in ages, is the second dungeon. After going through the fairies' woods to reach it, there is a rock in the way. Okay, equip the power bracelet, and move it, except this makes the WHOLE FREAKING DUNGEON COLLAPSE...and you have to use time travel to get in at that point...(in retrospect, why hasn't ganondorf done this in any of the 800 other dungeons in the [[Lo Z]] series, just one would doom link to failure...)
* [[Nostalgia Level]]: The aforementioned references to the first game often involve similarities between dungeons. In particular, the first dungeon of ''Seasons'' has the exact same layout as the first dungeon of the original Legend of Zelda, with the same boss.
* [[One Game for The Price of Two]]: Both averted and played straight: the games by themselves are completely different (items, dungeons, bosses and so on), but if you want to complete the storyline you need to play a Linked Game requiring both games.
** And a linked game is a sort of [[New Game Plus]]. You start off with one more heart container than normal and can access more things than a fresh game.
* [[One -Winged Angel]]: The final bosses of both games. {{spoiler|Veran [[Sequential Boss|has three.]]}}
* [[Petting Zoo People]]: The Tokay, anthropomorphic lizards with a penchant for theft.
* [[Playable Epilogue]]: A non-linked game has this, allowing you to continue to play in the peaceful world- this has to be done to facilitate the password-unlocked sidequests.
* [[Post -Kiss Catatonia]]: Link goes into one of these after receiving a [[Smooch of Victory]] from Princess Zelda in the combined ending.
* [[Puzzle Boss]]: Smog from ''Ages''.
* [[Randomly Drops]]: Most of the rings are obtained randomly from Gasha Nuts, minigames, or Maple. Also, Maple randomly drops a Heart Piece.