The Mask (animation): Difference between revisions

BOT EDIT: "Talking to Themself" -> "Inner Dialogue"
(BOT EDIT: "Talking to Themself" -> "Inner Dialogue")
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{{quote|''[{{=}}5Yh4XsqkXQQ There's one last thing I gotta sing about]
''Open up wide and really shout, Ohhhhh, look out!
''[[Bragging Theme Tune|This is]] [[Title Drop|The Mask]]! [[Catch Phrase|Smokin'!]] }}
''[[Catch Phrase|Smokin'!]] }}
This [[Animated Adaptation]] of ''[[The Mask (film)|The Mask]]'' most definitely was a product of the film rather than the comic book and took its cues from the [[Looney Tunes]] inspired antics of the Mask to make him a real (sort of) cartoon character. This actually allowed the kids show to be in some ways more adult with more subversive antics, [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]] and ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]''-esque social parody.
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* [[Comically Invincible Hero]]: The Mask will bounce back from anything you can come up with. He's even [[Troll|pretended to be killed]] just to piss off or scare villains.
* [[Cool Car]]: The show often featured the ''Mask Mobile'', which also had a prominent role in the Mask toyline.
* [[Media Research Failure]]: The season two premiere episode, "A Comedy of Eras" has been listed on some TV episode websites as being about The Mask meeting comic actors Adam Sandler, Mike Myers, and Jim Carrey. [[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|IT. IS. NOT!]]. It's about {{spoiler|The Mask going against a mad female scientist named Chronos who can manipulate time}}.
* [[Crossover]]: With the ''[[Ace Ventura]]'' cartoon. The Mexican dub resulted in a case of [[Talking to Himself]] as both Stanley/The Mask and Ace Ventura were voiced by the same person.
* [[Dartboard of Hate]]: Kellaway has one of these (with The Mask's picture as the dartboard) on the season two episode "Flight as a Feather"
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* [[Rebus Bubble]]: In "Split Personality," when Stanley is thinking of what would happen if his old high school bully found and wore The Mask
* [[Recycled: the Series]]: A cartoon adaptation of a PG-13 Jim Carrey movie (two similar series that fit this description include "Ace Ventura: The Animated Series" - with which this show had a [[Crossover]] - and the short-lived cartoon adaptation of "Dumb And Dumber")
* [[Refuge in Audacity]]: Once again, [ "Flight as a Feather"]. Name me ''any'' American kids' cartoon before or after the 1990s that gets away with showing a {{spoiler|stripper as an antagonist, suicide by terrorism, a bikini fashioned out of two suicide belts, open reference to political corruption (the Mayor using the city's budget to fund a party for beauty contest winners), open reference to a politician having an affair with a sleazy -- and insane -- woman, a male character using a naked woman to distract two police officers, a [[Camp Gay]] performance artist named after a brand of oil [Crisco], and a fight over s'mores at a golf course}}.
** The Mask being branded a hero, despite causing destruction and mayhem and not getting arrested for it (usually by defeating a villain more demented than he is), also counts as a [[Refuge in Audacity]]. In one episode, he even becomes The President's assistant.
* [[Remember the New Guy?]]: Cookie BaBoom and Smedley, the Mayor's assistant were never shown prior to "Flight as a Feather," yet they've been established as being regular characters (despite that Cookie is a [[One-Scene Wonder|One-Episode Wonder]] and Smedley only appeared in two episodes: "Flight as a Feather" and the previous episode, "Going for the Green.")
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* [[Take the Wheel]]: Putty Thing tells Fish Guy to take the wheel and goes to attack The Mask- forgetting the fact that, having only fins instead of hands and feet (and also being short as he is), Fish Guy can't drive.
** ''Milo'' gets behind the Loaner's wheel in "Baby's Day Out."
* [[TalkingInner to ThemselfDialogue]]: In one episode, [[Justified Trope|the Loki Mask was split in half, and Stanley only put on part of it.]] This makes it so that both he and [[Super-Powered Alter Ego|The Mask]] were in control at the same time.
* [[Talking with Signs]]: "Split Personality," when Stan is trying to hide his Mask half while talking to Charlie and the Mask holds up signs that read, "Underwear too tight, Charles?", "I'm a filthy liar." and "Make my day: Fire me!"
* [[Those Two Guys]]: Lieutenant Kellaway and Doyle and the teenage slackers Dak and Eddie (who become Putty Thing and Fish Guy on the aptly titled episode "The Terrible Twos").