The Naked Gun: Difference between revisions

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* [[Almost-Dead Guy]]: In part 2.
** [[Parodied Trope|"All right, who else is almost dead?"]]
* [[Aluminum Christmas Trees]]: In the third movie, the inmates at the state prison (where Frank has gone undercover) riot in the cafeteria simply because they don't like the food they're being served. As depicted in the film the gag is quite funny, but in fact something like that ''did'' once happen at Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary in San Francisco (it was known as "The Spaghetti Riot"). In the movie, this culminates in a [[Funny MomentMoments (Sugar Wiki)|Funny Moment]] / [[Moment of Awesome (Sugar Wiki)|Moment of Awesome]] when the prisoners ''make the guards eat the awful food''!
** Although in this case, Frank's reasoning when yelling to the guards was that it didn't resemble crappy stereotypical prison food enough.
** Precisely. Chateau LeBlanc '68 is supposed to be served slightly chilled, ''not'' room temperature!
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* [[Black Best Friend]]: Nordberg.
* [[Blood Knight]]: Drebin.
{{quote| '''Frank''': Yes. [[Dirty Harry (Film)|Well, when I see five weirdos dressed in togas stabbing a guy in the middle of the park in full view of 100 people, I shoot the bastards. That's *my* policy.]] <br />
'''Mayor''': That was a Shakespeare in the Park production of ''[[Julius Caesar (Theatretheatre)|Julius Caesar]]'', you moron! You killed five actors! Good ones. }}
* [[Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick]]: Or in Frank's case, burglary, arson, and sexual assault with a concrete dildo. Though the last one was [[Not What It Looks Like]], so it falls somewhere between this trope and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking]].
* [[Brick Joke]]: The zoo animals in the second movie.
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* [[Butt Monkey]]: Nordberg.
** Dr. Meinheimer in ''The Smell of Fear''.
* [[The Cameo]]: [["Weird Al" Yankovic (Music)|Weird Al Yankovic]] in all three films.
** In the first film, Frank's dramatic speech is cut short when Ed informs him that the massive crowd gathered outside his plane is actually for Weird Al. They go ecstatic when he departs the plane.
** In ''The Smell of Fear'': As a criminal who has taken Ed, Nordberg, and the rest of the station hostage. Frank accidentally incapacitates him when opening a door too fast.
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** In the first movie, {{spoiler|Reggie Jackson}} is the one brainwashed into trying to assassinate the Queen.
* [[Casual Danger Dialog]]: Usually Drebin, but the driving instructor in the first movie puts Hindu cows to shame.
* [[Celebrity Paradox]]: [[Anna Nicole Smith]] also appears on a ''[[Playboy (Magazine)|Playboy]]'' cover in the third movie... which lampshades this at the same time by {{spoiler|giving Anna's character a [[Gag Penis]]. [[Fridge Brilliance|Think about it for a second]]}}.
* [[Chalk Outline]]: Spoofed by type and position. For type, there's a stick figure and an Egyptian, and for position, there's [[Chalk Outline|Chalk Outlines]] that appear on a building's walls, or ''roof'', or one that appears ''floating on the water''.
** The second movie has outlines of [[Gory Discretion Shot|body]] [[Fridge Horror|parts...]]
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'''Frank:''' ''(comforting Ed)'' I know...<br />
'''Ed:''' My father went the same way... }}
* [[Death Byby Looking Up]]: Rocko's mother gets hit with a falling APPLAUSE sign.
** [[Negative Continuity|Which somehow changes to STANDING OVATION]] after the cut to the crowd indeed applauding.
* [[Disaster Dominoes]]: Both Nordberg in the beginning of the first movie and later Drebin.
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* [[Drives Like Crazy]]:
** Whenever Drebin gets behind the wheel, something bad happens. The scene when Drebin tags along in a driving school car is especially notable, when the driving instructor instructs the student how to flip the bird.
** The opening credits are also built on this. A cop car (presumably containing Drebin) viewed from the emergency lights shows absolutely insane or just plain nonsensical driving behavior, including driving on sidewalks, into people's homes, on rollercoasters, into bullfighting arenas, restaurants, hockey rinks, [[Flying Car|the air]], the surface of the [[Star Wars|Death Star]], and [[Everything's Better Withwith Dinosaurs|prehistoric times]].
* [[Dropped a Bridge Onon Him]]: In the second film, {{spoiler|the villain (played by Robert Goulet) survives falling out of a window. When he gets up, [[Karma Houdini|it seems like Goulet is going to escape]]. Just then, a lion appears out of nowhere and kills him on the spot. It is however [[Funny Moments (Sugar Wiki)|incredibly funny]] and a great [[Brick Joke]] since earlier in the film Drebin released a bunch of animals from the zoo.}}
* [[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas]]: Rocko Dillon in the third film.
* [[Every Car Is a Pinto]]
* [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin]]: Creatively named locations such as "The Hospital" and "The Police Station" are prominently signed as such
** [[Word of God]] is that the hospital was supposed to be called "Our Lady Who Never Got The Pickle" but [[Ricardo Montalban]], a devout Catholic, requested the change.
** The hospital is name dropped as "Our Lady of the Worthless Miracle."
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* [[Jail Bake]]
* [[Juggling Loaded Guns]]:
{{quote| '''Rocko Dillon:''' ''([[Firing in Thethe Air Aa Lot|firing a gun over the heads of the audience]])'' Freeze, and nobody gets hurt!<br />
''(a grip falls from the rafters into the orchestra)''<br />
'''Rocko Dillon:''' Well... from now on! }}
* [[Karma Houdini]]:
** {{spoiler|Tanya Peters}} never gets punished (at least not onscreen) for being affiliated with Rocko Dillon's terrorist gang, which is particularly odd since {{spoiler|in the end she is the last surviving member of the gang}}. Sure, we know that {{spoiler|[[High Heel Face Turn|she switched sides to the good guys]] by telling Frank where the bomb had been hidden, but that shouldn't absolve her from punishment for having knowingly collaborated with killers}}. Then again, this ''is'' [[Rule of Funny|a spoof]], after all.
** Subverted in the case of {{spoiler|Hapsburg}} in the second film; see [[Dropped a Bridge Onon Him]] above.
* [[Lame Comeback]]: In the third movie, Jane is so mad with Frank she calls him a "[[Shaped Like Itself|white Anglo male]]!"
** Jane's subplot is a massive spoof of feminist tropes (and one big [[Shout-Out]] to [[Thelma and Louise]], so such insult is only to be expected.
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* [[The Last of These Is Not Like the Others]]: Burglary, arson, and sexual assault with a concrete dildo.
* [[Lethal Klutz]]: The third movie shows that Drebin has accidentally killed his fiancee, a fact he remains unaware of.
* [[Letting the Air Out of Thethe Band]]: "The president of the United States!" No it's not.
* [[California Doubling|Los Angeles Doubling]]: The baseball scenes in the first film, which take place at an Angels home game, were actually filmed in Dodger Stadium. (Los Angeles is doubling for Anaheim here.)
* [[L Is for Dyslexia]]
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{{quote| ''"The problems of two little people don't amount to a hill of beans, but this is our hill and these are our beans."''}}
* [[Mistaken for Gay]]: When trying to gain access to the baseball field in part 1, Drebin knocks out one of the umpires so he can steal his outfit. He throws the unconscious umpire on a table and undoes both their pants, when a cleaning guy happens to walk in. He just shrugs it off with "sorry, fellas," and continues his rounds.
* [[Move Along, Nothing to See Here]]: In front of an exploding fireworks factory.
* [[My Girl Is Not a Slut]]: Sadly, she is (we're talking about Drebin's first girl).
* [[Mythology Gag]]: Dozens, the best known of which would be the [[Automobile Opening]].
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* [[Sexy Shirt Switch]]
* [[Shout-Out]]: The scene revealing the induced hypnosis is almost identical to a similar scene from the Charles Bronson classic ''[[Telefon]]'': Same setup, dialog, camera angles, you name it.
** In the second film, there is a parody of the sexual pottery scene from ''[[Ghost (Filmfilm)|Ghost]]''. ''Ghost'' was directed by Jerry Zucker, who co-created ''Police Squad'' and co-wrote the first film.
** The [[Automobile Opening]] shows the car driving through [[Star Wars|Death Star]] and [[Jurassic Park]].
** After experiencing marital problems, Jane goes with a girlfriend on a ''[[Thelma and Louise]]''-style road trip in the third movie. The friend is even named "Louise" and dresses just like Susan Sarandon did in that movie, [[Viewers are Morons|in case you couldn't catch the reference]].
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* [[Unsettling Gender Reveal]]: {{spoiler|Tanya's}} silhouette reveal in her final scene.
* [[Western Terrorists]]: The Dillon gang in the third movie. Granted, they ''are'' secretly taking their orders from Arabs, but they're obviously plotting bombings more for the money than for hatred of the United States.
* [[What Happened to Thethe Mouse?]]: In the first movie the Queen seems to be entirely forgotten about after the assassin is foiled. Technically she doesn't ''need'' to appear since she's out of danger but it's strange that we don't see her reaction to Frank talking down a hypnotized Jane despite multiple reaction shots from the other people in the stadium.
* [[Who Are You?]]: At the beginning of the first ''Naked Gun'' movie after beating up the various Arab leaders, Idi Amin and [[Mikhail Gorbachev]]:
{{quote| "I'm Lieutenant Frank Drebin, Police Squad! And don't ever let me catch you guys in America. ''(Drebin then falls out the window)''}}
* [[Whole-Plot Reference]]: Romantic subplot aside, ''33⅓'' is basically a comedic retelling of ''[[White Heat]]''. A police officer infiltrates a prison, befriends a violent criminal that loves his mother, and helps him escape in order to determine the site of his next crime.