• Fan Nickname: The Carnie Wilson-hosted revival has been given the Portmanteau "Carniewed" by fans.
  • Replacement Scrappy:
    • Paul Rodriguez, who replaced a legend thirteen weeks into the 1988-89 season and initially hosted with a very obnoxious, overbearing personality. To be fair, he toned it down greatly in later episodes and became a very competent host in his own right.
    • Carnie Wilson, who clearly didn't get the game's structure and was more a victim of post-production editing (many set reports claimed she had a great personality that never seemed to show in the finished product). This was made only more obvious when Bob Eubanks returned for two episodes just to prove that he's still got it.
    • Inverted with original announcer Scott Beach, whom the producers supposedly ousted because he would sing war protest songs to the audience during the commercial breaks. His replacement, veteran announcer Johnny Jacobs, was anything but a Scrappy and would become the go-to announcer for Chuck Barris Productions.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Compared to the New Newlywed Game that had been running since 1985 and had just altered its format for the 1988-89 season to use money, the massive overhaul that took place when Paul Rodriguez became host on December 5.
  • Uncanny Valley: The Paul Rodriguez version superimposed other people's lips onto images of early 1900s newlyweds to make it look like they were "singing" the theme song.
  • What an Idiot!: Tons of stupid answers, from all the contestants. Some were so insanely off the mark that they had to be intentional.