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* [[Enemy Mine]]: The French aren't about American independence as much as they are seeing their old rivals, the British, humiliated. Personified by the relationship between Benjamin Martin and the Frenchman Jean Villeneuve. Martin is well-known to have massacred and mutilated a French force during the French And Indian War.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: While not actually evil, Cornwallis is still appalled at Tavington's brutal tactics and (rightly) faults him for the increasing resistance against the British from the American militia. Also, one of Tavington's men complains that there's no honor in burning down a church full of civilians, and is clearly reluctant to follow his orders to do so.
** Really, despite the movie's reputation for being anti-British, ''most'' of the British soldiers are shown to dislike Tavington's orders and tactics... ultimately their sin is going along with them anyway.
** While not explicitly pointed out by the movie, some of the loyalists clearly either committed some "treason" of their own or outright defected after their leader was willing to tell Tavington where Martin's children were, since Martin and his militia show up at the plantation house only about ten minutes after the British do. Apparently their loyalty to the King had reached its limit.
* [[Evil Brit]] - Again, Tavington is spot on. To a much lesser extent General Cornwallis, his staff and Tavington's loyalist aide-de-camp. Yet, they all belong to the least sympathetic characters of the story, mainly because [[Aristocrats Are Evil]].
* [[Evil Feels Good]]: Tavington's real motivation. He claims it's about gaining honor and esteem through victory, but various of his actions and reactions make it clear that he's simply an egomaniac and a psychopath using the war as a chance to indulge himself. When he points his pistol at Benjamin Martin for the first time, Martin doesn't react, simply [[Facing Death With Dignity|facing the possibility of his death with strength and dignity]]. Disappointed with this reaction, Tavington turns the pistol on Martin's children to get the pleading he was hoping for.
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* [[Faux Affably Evil]] - Travington.
* [[Fire-Forged Friends]]: Dan and Occam. Dan repeatedly insults Occam because he's a black slave but after Occam saved Dan's life during a battle, Dan softened on him. After the war, they work together to help rebuild Benjamin's house. Occam was a free man by that time, voluntarily staying with the militia even though he no longer owed them service.
* [[Foe-Tossing Charge]]: In the final battle, both Colonel Tavington and Ben Martian done this. Each then slices, shoots, and wades his way through the other side's [[Mooks]] to get to his nemesis.
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: After Anne Howard and Mrs. Howard sew Gabriel Martin into a bundling bag when he stays the night, Mr. Howard listens nervously at the door. Mrs. Howard says, "Don't worry, I'm a better seamstress than my mother was." Mr. Howard looks mortified and replies, "I hope so!"
** [[Hilarious in Hindsight]] given what the occupation of "Seamstress" [[The Oldest Profession|was often taken to be.]]