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The Posies

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The Posies are an Alternative Rock/Power Pop band formed in Bellingham, Washington in 1987 by Jon Auer and Ken Stringfellow. The band released their debut album Failure in 1988. Their second album Dear 23, released in 1990 was their major label debut and was well recieved. It included the singles "Golden Blunders" and "Suddenly Mary". They released 3 other albums before focusing on other products. In 2005, they made their comeback album, Every Kind of Light. 2 songs, "I Guess You're Right" and "Love Comes" were packaged as sample music in Windows Vista computers. In 2010, they released their latest album Blood/Candy.

Their current lineup is made up of:

  • Jon Auer (Guitar, Vocals)
  • Ken Stringfellow (Guitar, Vocals)
  • Matt Harris (Bass)
  • Darius "Take One" Minwalla (Drums)

Past members include:

  • Rick Roberts - Bass, vocals (1988–1991)
  • Dave Fox- Bass (1992–1994)
  • Mike Musburger - Drums (1988–1994)
  • Joe Skyward - Bass (1994–1999)
  • Brian Young - Drums (1994–1998)
The Posies provides examples of the following tropes:
  • Album Title Drop: "Frosting on the Beater" has this in "Solar Sister" and "Every Kind of Light has this in "Anything and Everything."
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Ken Stringfellow is also known for being the vocalist of The Disciplines. He also worked with REM. Not to mention both Jon and Ken are members of Big Star.
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