• Covered Up: Lisa Lougheed managed to do this to much of the show's soundtrack.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Like, five times per episode. See the page for specific examples.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Oh, that theme song!!! Come to think of it, the entire soundtrack...
  • Ear Worm: You can RUN with us! WE are FREE!
  • Fanon: The names of the three Pigs. Fans often use the names Lloyd (Pig 1), Floyd (Pig 2) and Boyd (Pig 3). Kevin Gillis says that their names are Lloyd, Lloyd and Floyd. However, on the show itself, each of the three is, at some point, referred to by name by one of the two others as Lloyd (meaning that all three are named Lloyd).
  • Growing the Beard: The series gradually shifted from clichéd plots and characters in the early seasons to much better writing in the later ones that had real soul and originality that took creative dares for a kids' series. The only problem was that they never changed the opening sequence, so the intro still portrayed Cyril as evil and Bert as a cartoonish klutz.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight : Ralph's brother and sister-in-law are called George and Nicole. This was a while before Broken Sword was developed.
  • Narm: Crept in on occasion, albeit sometimes as Narm Charm.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • Especially prevalent in some of the earlier episodes, particularly during the scenes at the top of the Evergreen Mountain in "Going It Alone", as well as in one scene in "The Runaways". Also not forgetting the haunted house in "A Night To Remember".
    • "The Evergreen Election" ends with an unnerving extreme closeup of Cyril's slightly bloodshot angry eyes glaring at the viewer.
  • Shipping: Bert and Lisa.