The Third Man: Difference between revisions

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* [[Absurdly Spacious Sewer]]: Justified. Vienna's real spacious sewers were used in the film.
* [[Adaptation Distillation]]: Graham Greene preferred the film's ending to that of his own novel.
* [[Affably Evil]]: {{spoiler|Harry Lime.}} [[This Is Your Premise Onon Drugs|On speed]].
* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]: Anna gets the same lecture on how evil Harry is as Martins, but that doesn't make her any less worshipful of him. Her justification: "A person doesn't change just because you learn more about them." Apparently, Anna doesn't do [[Fridge Logic]]. Harry was ''always'' a sociopath. Though the reason she loves him, forging her papers and thus letting her stay in Vienna longer, stands regardless of what Harry did.
* [[Amusement Park]]: Lime gives the "cuckoo clock" speech inside the Ferris wheel at the city's Wurstelprater park.
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** Switzerland has produced both the [[wikipedia:Red Cross|Red Cross]] and the [[wikipedia:Geneva Conventions|Geneva Conventions]].
** The cuckoo clock is not Swiss in origin, but ''German''...
* [[Did Not Get the Girl]]: This scene was done so effectively that it's been given a [[Shout -Out]] in several later movies, including [[Martin Scorsese]]'s ''[[The Departed]]'', [[Robert Altman]]'s ''[[The Long Goodbye]]'', and [[The Coen Brothers]]' ''[[MillersMiller's Crossing]]''.
* [[Dirty Communists]]: A light example but Anna faces deportation from the Russians for being from Czechoslovakia.
* [[Dutch Angle]]: Possibly the best use ever in film.
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* [[Film Noir]]
* [[Forgotten Theme Tune Lyrics]]
* [[Grammar Nazi]] & [[It Is Pronounced "Tro -PAY"]]: Dr. '''Winkel'''.
{{quote| '''Martins:''' (...) Is it possible... that his death was not just an accident,... Dr. Winkle?<br />
'''Dr. Winkel:''' ...*[[Beat]]*... '''Ving-kell.''' I cannot judge it, I wasn't there. }}
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* [[It Is Pronounced "Tro-PAY"]]: Dr. ''V''inkle. Mind you, if someone kept calling you "Winkle" (like Holly does), you would get ticked off too.
* [[Kubrick Stare]]: Used by Baron Kurtz (albeit in a non-threatening context), making this trope [[Older Than They Think]].
* [[Late to Thethe Party]]
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Lime constantly uses people (notably Anna and Martins) and will throw them away without a thought when they are no longer of use to him.
* [[Mercy Kill]]: {{spoiler|Lime wordlessly asks Martins to shoot him once it's clear there's no escape.}}
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* [[Opening Narration]]: Done in the original UK release by director Carol Reed, and in the US version by Joseph Cotten.
* [[POV Sequel]]: The screenwriter (author Graham Greene) wrote a book that was published to coincide with the film release with the British officer's POV. There was also a radio serial with Lime's exploits entitled ''The Adventures of Harry Lime''.
* [[Putting Onon the Reich]]: Some of us may have noticed that the Vienna policemen's and soldiers' uniforms are original Third Reich Uniforms with merely the swastikas removed. But this is [[Truth in Television]] ; the film was made in '49, and the police and armies had not yet issued any new uniforms so early after the war. Austria simply couldn't afford it in such a rationed and provisional era (also not for the filming). These uniforms would remain until well into the 50s.
* [[Pyrrhic Victory]]: {{spoiler|Lime dies, Sgt. Paine dies, Martins [[Did Not Get the Girl]], and said girl will most probably be deported back to Czechoslovakia to face Soviet law. Furthermore, the children who suffer from Lime's diluted penicillin will not get saved by Lime getting neutralized either. But hey, at least future patients will be save from Lime's diluted medicines, and this counts as well!}}
* [[Sissy Villain]]: Lime's associate Kurtz certainly has his share of signifiers.