The Tommyknockers: Difference between revisions

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* [[Body Horror]]: The process of "becoming". For most people, it's just teeth falling out, but a select few's skin becomes transparent, and tentacles appear in the place of their genitals.
* [[Celebrity Paradox]]: Stephen King himself is referenced in the book; the townspeople think that Bobbi writes good stories, "not all full of make-believe monsters and a bunch of dirty words, like the books that fellow who lived up Bangor way wrote". Also, when Gardener wants to get into the shed, he considers grabbing an ax "and make like [[Jack Nicholson]] in ''[[The Shining]]''". However, events in ''[[The Dead Zone]]'', ''[[IT]]'' and ''[[Firestarter]]'' are mentioned as fact or at least hearsay, not as fiction.
* [[The Corrupter]]: The Tommyknockers. They start having a deleterious effect on the sanity, moral compass and physical structure of the people in Haven, with the few that resist marked for death. Jim Gardener discovers he's largely immune. {{spoiler|He discovers the immunity is not total, just he's more immune than most due to the plate in his head interfering with the process, and he dies with his sanity intact in the end.}}
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: Ev Hillman first appears as a "garrulous-going-on-tiresome" old man. However, he proves to be very brave and heroic, when he [[Papa Wolf|tries to save his grandson]].
* [[Disappearing Box]]: Played with. Hilly Brown made a machine that didn't make things disappear, but sent to Altair IV. However, he uses it with the intent of making things vanish under an ordinary cloth as a magic trick.
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* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]
* [[Mercy Kill]]: Gardener does it {{spoiler|to Bobbi, and later to the people (and the dog) in Bobbi's shed}}.
* [[More Than Mind Control]]: The eventual result of The Tommyknockers' influence. As seen to varying degrees, this extends to the moral compass of many characters being irreparably warped. {{spoiler|Various characters do start cottoning on to this, choosing [[Dying as Yourself]] via various means to avoid this fate}}.
* [[Most Writers Are Writers]]: Bobbi and Gardener.
* [[Mundane Utility]]: Bobbi uses her technical abilities to power up her water heater by creating a small sun in it, making a tractor that can fly, and a typewriter that can read thoughts. Other Havenites create similar things.