The Trickster: Difference between revisions

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* An entire watchtower is devoted to this concept in [[Mage: The Awakening]], the Acanthus. An entire fifth of mages in existence, and all of them devoted to the trickster concept of the Fool Tarot.
* The pooka from ''[[Changeling: The Dreaming]]''.
* ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'' has its typical [[Darker and Edgier|pitch black take on it]]:
* ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'' has its typical [[Darker and Edgier|pitch black take on it]]. *The Deceiver is a weaker [[Eldritch Abomination]] who is one of the bigger players in the [[Gambit Pileup]] in the setting, and the Laughing God is one of the [[Have You Seen My God?|few surviving gods of the Eldar]], whose followers are the [[Monster Clown|Harlequins]] ([[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|space elf ninja clown acrobat librarians]]). On a smaller scale, there's a direct reference to this archetype in the latest Space Wolves codex, Lukas the Trickster, a [[Almighty Janitor|low-ranking]] [[Space Marine]] who replaced one of his hearts with a [[And I Must Scream|stasis bomb]] that [[Taking You with Me|goes off on his death]].
*** Let this troper emphasize. Ninja. Clown. The fact that it's their defining game mechanic and they get ''saves'' (effectively, armor) on that account only accentuates the hilarity. They're one of the few Eldar units that can charge in the open, comparable to units from other factions whose armor was designed for repairing ships' reactors ''while they're on'', all on account of the fact that anyone who is [[Refuge in Audacity|both a ninja and a clown]] is impossible to hit.
** The whole archetype is part of the Space Wolves' hat. The majority are [[Boisterous Bruiser]]s to varying degrees, and many of the younger ones have a real fondness for harmless (or sometimes, not-so-harmless) [[Screwy Squirrel|practical jokes]]. Lukas is a prime example on how extreme the Space Wolves' rebellious nature can be, since he doesn't even respect superiors within his own chapter as much as any other character.
** The Changeling, a minion of Tzeentch, plays pranks on mortals and chaos (including chaos gods) alike.
* Taken at face value with the Trickster Archetype in ''[[Unknown Armies]]''.
* ''[[GURPS]]'' has the Trickster Disadvantage.
* Lunar [[Exalted]]. Quoth Robert "The Demented One" Vance:
{{quote|''[[The Fair Folk|Raksha]] are the drunken sorority girls to the Lunar's fratboy, except the Lunar's fratboy is a world-walking trickster-god werewolf.''}}
== Theater ==