The Underworld: Difference between revisions

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== [[Film]] ==
* ''[[Beetlejuice]]'' has the Neitherworld, which is pretty much the Underworld, with a Waiting Room From Hell.
== Folklore and Mythology ==
* In [[Greek Mythology]], the Underworld is Hades, the realm of the god of the same name. Depending on their conduct in life, the dead can end up in the Elysian Fields, which are basically paradise, in the Fields of Asphodel, where they just sort of...hang out, or Tartarus, whose inmates are tortured for all eternity for crimes against the gods.
* In Japanese Mythology, Izanagi, the father of the gods, went to underworld to recover his wife, Izanami, after she died, but ran in terror from her when he saw she was now a rotting undead. Bizarrely, his son, the god Susano-o, on finding out his mother was there, just went to the underworld to live with her like nothing was wrong!
* In [[Mesopotamian Mythology]], the dead go to Irkalla, ruled by Ishtar's [[Darker and Edgier]] twin sister Ereshkigal. [[Inanna's Descent to the Netherworld|Ishtar tries to take over.]] {{spoiler|She isn't successful, and in fact loses her beloved husband Dumuzi for six months out of the year. Sort of karmic payment for stealing Ereshkigal's husband and getting him killed.}}
== [[Literature]] ==
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* In [[Robert E. Howard]]'s "[[The Phoenix on the Sword]]," [[Conan the Barbarian]] describes his people's gods: "Their gods are Crom and his dark race, who rule over a sunless place of everlasting mist, which is the world of the dead."
** In "[[Xuthal of the Dusk|The Slithering Shadow]]", Natala is convinced that she and [[Conan]] have died, so strange is the city they find themselves in.
== [[Oral Tradition|Oral Tradition, Folklore, Myths and Legends]] ==
* In [[Greek Mythology]], the Underworld is Hades, the realm of the god of the same name. Depending on their conduct in life, the dead can end up in the Elysian Fields, which are basically paradise, in the Fields of Asphodel, where they just sort of...hang out, or Tartarus, whose inmates are tortured for all eternity for crimes against the gods.
* In Japanese Mythology, Izanagi, the father of the gods, went to underworld to recover his wife, Izanami, after she died, but ran in terror from her when he saw she was now a rotting undead. Bizarrely, his son, the god Susano-o, on finding out his mother was there, just went to the underworld to live with her like nothing was wrong!
* In [[Mesopotamian Mythology]], the dead go to Irkalla, ruled by Ishtar's [[Darker and Edgier]] twin sister Ereshkigal. [[Inanna's Descent to the Netherworld|Ishtar tries to take over.]] {{spoiler|She isn't successful, and in fact loses her beloved husband Dumuzi for six months out of the year. Sort of karmic payment for stealing Ereshkigal's husband and getting him killed.}}
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
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* The Underwhere of ''[[Super Paper Mario]]'' is actually very close to how the Underworld works in [[Greek Mythology]]. The dead that you meet there are even called "shades", and they'll tell you about how they [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|lost their last life to spike pits.]] Aside from being darker, it's really not that bad of a place. (Unless you decide to take [[Nightmare Fuel|a dive into the River Twigz...]])
* The protagonist of ''[[Terranigma]]'' actually starts in the Underworld.
* The Netherworld in ''[[Romancing SaGa]]''. It also has Purgatory, a realm for those who choose to retain their memories of life until they abandon them and become reincarnated.
== [[Web Original]] ==
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