Then Let Me Be Evil: Difference between revisions

→‎Anime and Manga: Added example
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(→‎Anime and Manga: Added example)
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** A child named {{spoiler|Charlotte Pudding}} snaps after being called a monster one too many times {{spoiler|over her Third Eye}}. During the appropriate flashback, she cries [[Berserker Tears]] as she chases the bullies [[Knife Nut|with a knife]].
** Not played for laughs, Robin was a victim of this. As a child, she was labeled a demon by the World Government, who feared the ponegraphs she was able to read. After being hounded by angry mobs for twenty years on the lam, she joined Crocodile's criminal organization, becoming something of [[The Dragon]] to him during the Alabasta Arc. Ironically, while not evil now, she's become ''far'' [[Good Is Not Soft|more lethal and brutal]] post-[[Heel Face Turn]], but then, she's gained a ''lot'' of pent-up aggression in her life
*** Emphasized in the Wano Country Arc, when Black Maria (owner of the Skull Dome, a Hooker With a Heart of Blackest Stone) calls her Devil Child. Robin's reaction is pretty much, if this heartless bitch calls her a demon, she's going to act like one, and unleashes her most lethal technique to date, the ''Demonio Fleur'' where she... eh, [ maybe it's better seen than described.] Whether Maria even survived this brutal assault is not yet confirmed, but it is clear this is where her [[Karma Houdini Warranty]] expired.
* Lighthearted version in ''[[My Hero Academia]]''; Iida is at first a little miffed at having to play the bad guy in the role playing exercise, but once he devotes himself to it - and his teammate - he manages to act like the typical hammy villain wonderfully.
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* In the Mexican comic ''[[Memin]]'' (about a poor Black boy) a story had some bullies convince him that Black people never go to Heaven, no matter how good they are (claiming that the fact there are no pictures of Black angels proves it). Memin is so angry that he swears that if he's going to Hell, he'll rule it by being the most evil kid in the world! (of course, being a preteen his idea of evil acts are things like disrespecting his mother.) His friends hatch a plan to reform him by painting one of the angels in a Church (with the clergy's permission) Black and then show it to him. It worked.
* During a visit to Hell, [[Knightfall|Bane]] of the ''[[Secret Six]]'' discovered that despite being a [[Noble Demon]] (at least what he thought was one) he was still damned. He figures that since he's beyond redemption anyway, he might as well stop trying to be a half-assed antihero and embraces villainy. First order of business? Settle the score with [[Batman]] once and for all.
* While it never actually happens, ''[[Spider-Man]]'' comics have repeatedly teased the reader with the possibility of Spider-Man becoming a menace due to the [[All of the Other Reindeer]] mentality of the world around him. In the ''[[Ultimate Spider-Man]]'' comics, [[Nick Fury]] was particularly worried that all of the tragedy and bad publicity in Peter's life would drive him to villainy—and given the combination of Peter's intelligence, determination, and superpowers, that would be a very bad thing.
* Of course, the same can't be said of some of Spider-Man's foes; case in point, Lonnie T. Lincoln, aka the [[Evil Albino]] and [[Professional Killer]], Tombstone. Born in Harlem to African-American parents, Lonnie was a black man trapped in a white man's body, ostracized by his parents, teachers, and peers, who all called him a monster. Eventually, he decided that if he was a monster in their eyes, he'd literally become one, going so far as to file his teeth into sharp points simply to make himself look scarier.
== Fan Works ==
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*** The game never gives you an opportunity to ask Anders why any 'free' community of mages will average at ''least'' as many blood mages and maleficar per capita as a Chantry Circle will. Cripes, go to the Old Tevinter Imperium and throw a rock, you'll bounce it off of three blood mages before you hit the ground.
* Since the Jedi of [[Knights of the Old Republic]] considered any of their members who went off to defend the Republic against the Mandalorians as fallen (see their shoddy treatment of Exile, who ''did'' return only to get [[Reformed but Rejected]] fron the Council), the fact that Revan went and became Dark Lord of the Sith is a cross of this and [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]].
* According to [[Token Evil Teammate|Lance]] in ''[[Epic Battle Fantasy]] 5'', the reason he went full [[Evil Overlord]] and embraced every stereotype associated with fascism was because the government ruined his public image by branding him a conspiracy theorist and a fascist when he tried to share his alarming findings on the mysterious monoliths that landed everywhere in the world (they're alien spying devices) and advised them to prepare some military defenses against an upcoming alien invasion. He didn't think of any alternative to assembling all fascist idiots on Earth into a military force to prepare for the invasion because of [[Humans Are Morons|his low opinion of humanity]].
== Web Comics ==