Topic on Forum:Tech Wishlist And Bug Reports

It's not so much a bug as it's a function of how MediaWiki was designed.

PmWiki and MediaWiki actually use a very similar bulleted/numbered list scheme, so it's not so much an error when you see two or more bullet points, it's just not sure if there should be another bullet point before/after the next line if there is line break of some sort between bulletpoints, so it shows multiple points instead of just one indented properly due to its confusion.

For example

  • one
    • two
      • three

This works the same way in PmWiki, and since there are no breaks in the bulletpoint lines, they format normally.

  • one


    • two


      • three

As you can see here, templates break the expected formatting, so it show multiple bulletpoints indented however far it expects things to be when formatted properly.

Templates don't exist in the same sense in PmWiki as they do in MediaWiki, so the quote template or anything that breaks the formatting will cause it to format bulletpoints with multiple points to help keep track of what level of bulletpoints it expects you're hoping to go to and show you what it feels is improperly formatted and needs corrected.

In short, this is not a bug, it's how bulletpoints work in MediaWiki.