Topic on Forum:Long Term-Perpetual Projects

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Well right now, the icons themselves are 60px, so that puts them just under the upper limit you suggested. But yeah, I'll see what I can do.
Well right now, the icons themselves are 60px, so that puts them just under the upper limit you suggested. But yeah, I'll see what I can do.

EDIT: Turns out I can do some right now.

[[File:Useful Notes 48px.png]]
[[All Psychology Is Freudian|So, ven did you first realize you had an obsession vith 'troping'?]]

[[File:Haiku 48px.png]]
The crimson circle /
invokes Japanese concept. /
Lazy shortcut? Yes.

[[File:Quotes 48px.png]]

[[File:Images 48px.png]]