Topic on User talk:DocColress

I'm not going to suggest an example, but I just want your thoughts on an already existing one: Arkhamverse Penguin. As you'd know if you read up on these games, this version of old Oswald Cobblepot is probably the most monstrous incarnation of the character, debatably even more repulsive than Danny DeVito's portrayal in Batman Returns (Who I remember doesn't qualify due to possessing an arguably valid Freudian excuse, and a rather touching death scene that's meant to invoke pity from the viewer). However, one of the things that got him disqualified at TV Tropes along with having to compete with that universe's Joker is a supposedly Even Evil Has Standards moment in Arkham City.

Basically, it's not really a moment per se as all his on-screen time focuses on him being as much of a revolting little asshole as he can be. Instead, as I noted in his description, he has a bunch of display cases meant that hold people he's killed (or has left to die) while bragging about their deaths and the like. He has a container meant to hold Victor Zsasz, who is also a very vile sort of man. Thanks to the way his description for Zsasz sounds, the people at TV Tropes say that it's a case of him having standards and being disgusted by the fact that Zsasz hurts women and children. I personally don't feel it's that way because there's nothing that really shows Penguin having standards one way or another: he not only has two display cases meant to hold women (One being a member of Ra's al Ghul's league of assassins who he mistook for dead, and the other being one meant to house Harley Quinn, who judging by the description's vague line of "She'll be good for minutes of entertainment before I cut off her head!" hints that along with torture, he very well may have plans to rape her before killing her.), but during the canonical film Assault on Arkham, he's willing to kill Amanda Waller's Suicide Squad after throwing a tantrum upon the sight of Harley (There's another woman in the group, Killer Frost, who he's willing to slaughter despite the fact that her only crime against him is being in Harley's presence). There's also Arkham Origins where he has two female assistants that he doesn't outright antagonize (to my memory) since they don't really screw anything up, but his attitude makes it clear that he pretty much objectifies them as sex objects given his lecherous attitude. Really, there's nothing saying he's opposed to hurting women.

It's never really made clear if he has any standards towards children as none are ever seen with the exception of young Bruce Wayne in flashbacks or Scarecrow hallucinations, so I can't really say anything regarding that. This could be a case of me misinterpreting tone as I sometimes have difficult understanding tone in people's voice at times, but his description of Zsasz "Take a good look into the eyes of a monster! A deeply disturbed serial killer, a man responsible for the murder and subsequent mutilation of over a hundred men, women, and children! You are looking at Zsasz" seems like he could simply be going for dramatic effect. If he is condemning Zsasz, it would be enormously hypocritical of him as he is shown to be no better at all given his unhealthy obsession with torture and mutilation. So what's your verdict?