Topic on User talk:DocColress

The other most monstrous incarnation was an AU version where he was mayor of Gotham, IIRC. As for Arkhamverse Penguin, I've always seen him as the type of character who would be reigning Complete Monster of the work's setting and standards were he not in the shadow of bigger monsters like Joker and Zsasz. The reason he still qualifies for me is that he seems very well aware of this - it's not Even Evil Has Standards, it's acknowledgement of the truth of the matter that some evil is even greater than what he could ever manage. That still doesn't stop him from being as terrible as he possibly can be given with what he has to work with. Basically, being Genre-Savvy in regards to one's own evil and the evilness of others is not a disqualifier. Also, yes, his description of Zsasz was meant to strike fear into who he's speaking too rather than speaking out of fear himself, and on his part, it might even be flat out boastful of him talking about how he can contain a monster greater than himself.

Ferris Boyle is also a small scale Complete Monster who nonetheless manages to to cause as much damage as he can while being thoroughly despicable. The only example I personally see as being more "99% Monster" is Hugo Strange, but even then that's only because he started off with Well-Intentioned Extremist qualities. He still stepped so far into Knight Templar territory and over the Moral Event Horizon that he borders on Complete Monster, as his writeup here pretty much explains.